“Overall would you like to do better? Yes of course, but the biggest thing is it’s been 13 games and I think I’m still learning the different style of football and I’m still understanding a lot to do with the whole setup and system,” Cahill said.
“It’s not something I’m afraid of — if anything, I’m embracing it. I made the decision and it’s something I’m trying to fulfil and enjoy as much as possible and, if I can, get some success on the pitch."
“I think in my career I’ve had a lot more difficult tasks set, but you’ve got to be realistic and play with what you’ve got and do the best you can. If it works it works, if it doesn’t, it doesn’t. I’m 35-years-old now and I’ve proved I’m one of the fittest in that league, I’ve proved that I can hold it with anyone and now it’s about finding rhythm with my teammates and a chemistry, that’s not really there yet.”
看看原文吧。可惜的是没提到“继续在申花踢球”。而且,第二段说的其实是:在面对困难时,必须要拿出自己所有的一切,并且尽最大的努力。我(卡希尔)已经证明了我在中超(that league)仍然是身体状况最好的,而且可以和任何人合作(这里hold it with anyone倒确实是意思不太明确)。现在唯一的问题就是和队友找到同样的节奏并建立化学反应。
不仅如此,第一段卡希尔说到“different style of football”和“the whole setup and system”,我感觉也是意有所指。这里说的应该不是申花的整个战术体系,而是中超的比赛方式以及运行机制。其中甚至可能包括裁判的尺度,大部分球队的球路、比赛风格以及场外的一些因素。
言而总之,这篇采访说到中超的部分感觉比较含蓄,除了传达积极态度以外其他的意思不太明确。另外,卡政委这都几次头破血流了还说中超not as intense as most leagues,这里面的意思也是够有趣……
[ 此帖被喷火飞龙在2015-06-12 01:00修改 ] |