Kurly Kane 还在等待委员长的电话回复ing......
Kurly Kane发给委员长的重点信息是:
“As you know John our away support is brilliant, because we are standing
all game, not being threatened to be kicked out and tickets are
generally cheaper. The whole point i am trying to get across is that all
well and good Jose slagging off our support but will he actually do
anything about it? Coz down thing needs to be done rather than just
slagging off people who pay loads of money to be told to sit down or
face ejection from the stadium. Sorry to bother you JT but as our
greatest ever player and a fan yourself, I feel you have influence and
understand what we are feeling.”
"约翰您要知道,我们在客场的支持力度很强,也很壮观,我们都是由头站到完场,而且球票也相对的便宜,也不会因为站着看球而被客场的管理员踢出场外(斯坦福桥球场不允许球迷站着看球,要不然的话,将被踢出场外)。我所要强调的重点是,我们敬重的何塞 (穆帅)很不客气的说我们球迷很不给力(这里指很安静的意思),但他有真正的针对这件事情做出一些改善吗? 因为缘由还是来自于球场的限制条规,球迷们付了这么昂贵的球票,而还要被通知静静的坐着看球别胡闹,违规者将被请出场外。在此向你道个歉JT,你是我们最伟大的球员,我也是你最铁杆的球迷,我觉得你对这件事情或许能发挥一些影响力改善这个局面,因为你是最了解球迷们的心情的。“