SlahmanX(爱尔兰球迷):解说员一本正经地说“在尤文,博格巴拿球时边后卫能够及时插上,这是埃弗拉所做不到的。”你tm在逗我吗!(That commentator seriously said " ogba is used to having wing backs push forward at Juventus, I don't think Evra will offer the same". Fucking hell)
Griffin852(瑞士球迷):脑子是个好东西,我希望解说员也能有一个。(Completely brainless)
erfanP(英格兰球迷):这球衣质量也是醉了……用墨西哥防线做的吧?(The fuck are these jerseys made of? Mexican defense?)
Otterable(美国球迷):还好Puma不是卖套套的。(I'm just happy Puma don't make condoms tbh.)
Huabale(拜仁球迷):我只希望他们也生产女足球衣。(I hope they also produce for the woman's national team ))
TheBreakingBadPizza(墨西哥球迷):Nike恐成最大赢家。(The real winner is Nike)
omlfc(法国球迷):别再黑彪马了,要不是彪马球衣这比赛还有啥看头啊。(Thank you puma shirts for actually providing some entertainment)
Jackdfdc18(无主队球迷):C罗不会真和小球童灵魂互换了吧…… (Actually starting to believe that Cristiano swapped his talents with the ball boy in the Nike advert.)
(PS:在Nike的广告大片The Switch中,C罗和一位英格兰的小球童“灵魂互换”
Xolintoz(葡萄牙球迷):黑子们,你们是想把C罗卖了还国债吧?(All those in favour of selling Ronaldo and using his fee to relieve national debt?)
Emre23(利物浦球迷):葡萄牙在本届欧洲杯有50脚射门,只取得了一个进球。(Portugal in Euro 2016: 50 shot, 1 goal)
AnEmptyKarst(美国球迷):真是帝国冲锋队级别的射门水平……(This is Stormtrooper levels of poor shooting)(星战梗)
Sc2isalivegaem(拜仁球迷):相比之下,瑞典两场比赛0射正,也进了一个球……(Sweden in Euro 2016: 0 shots on target... 1 goal...)
Nlb53(阿根廷球迷):身为阿迷,C罗罚点球时我一直都想让他罚丢,但是等他真正罚丢了,也是有点心疼。(I actually do. I thought I wanted him to miss it, even called it, but then when he did I just felt bad.)
Cerozz(国米球迷):C罗啊……如果这球进了,他就能成为第一个在四届欧洲杯上都有进球的人。(Ronaldo will feel stupid after this if he doesn't score a goal later in the tournament, scoring this would make him the first person to score at 4 different Euros.)
Theultimatebr0(尤文球迷):无所谓,反正梅西从来没在欧洲杯进过球~(Yeah but Messi never scored at the Euro so who cares)
Smitedyourmum(克罗地亚球迷):叕是哈特。(He did it again)
ItsComingHomeLads(埃弗顿球迷):“先生,瓦尔蒂大电影的剧本我已经写好了。”“你的想象力真好!”“不,这是事实。”('Sir i've finished writing the Vardy movie script' 'Shit you have an incredible imagination' 'No sir this actually happened')
zuzahin(英格兰球迷):马克吐温曾经说过,事实比小说更加不可思议。(Twain used to say that truth is more of a stranger than fiction)
pppparf(威尔士球迷):原来当英格兰球迷是这样的感觉。(so this is what it feels like to be an england fan.)
peduxe(葡萄牙球迷):今夜我们都是英国人!(Today y'all are United Kingdom!)
Thesolly180(英格兰球迷):卧槽,高清无码鲁尼の颜真是太可怕了。(Fuck me Rooneys face in HD is not a good sight.)
gmurz(曼城球迷):为摄像机大哥默哀。(rip camera man)
EyeMAdam(皇马球迷):史莱克攻击!(Shrek attack)
TheMediumPanda(英格兰球迷):恭喜瑞典!还差一场比赛,瑞典就能成为欧洲杯历史上第一支在决赛圈0射正的球队。(Congratulations Sweden. With just one more game to go, you can be the first team in Euro history to not have had even a single shot on target.)
ChelseaZuger(瑞典球迷):希望下场比赛比利时自摆乌龙,这样我们就能成为第一支0射正晋级淘汰赛的球队了。(Let's just hope Belgium score an OG and we'll actually advance without a shot on target.)
RainmakerF7(波兰球迷):这是我看过的最意大利的比赛。(This was the most Italy game I've ever seen.)
MilanoCel(意大利球迷):如果没有埃德尔的绝杀,意大利的精彩镜头就只剩唱国歌了。(Aside from the Eder goal, our best moment was the national anthem.)
aromaticsubrxn(阿根廷球迷):这场比赛之后,梅西应该能挣得一个首发席位了。(So i guess Messi finally earned a spot)
BeardStar(美国球迷):没错,这小伙真有天赋。就是该刮刮胡子。(Yeah, promising young talent. He needs to cut that beard though.)
Rusiano(俄罗斯球迷):【阿根廷梅西】终于要接近【巴萨梅西】了。(The Argentina Messi is really starting to look like the Barcelona Messi)
futbolsokur(西班牙球迷):这个故事告诉我们,落后的时候不要踢勺子点球,爆射就好了。(NEVER TRY A PANENKA WHEN YOU'RE DOWN. JUST BANG THAT SHIT IN)