

AlanWake44 发表于 2015-4-22 07:20:00 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式 打印 上一主题 下一主题
[欧冠传声筒]灌6球瓜帅化身埃博拉,葡语系再被屠都是殖民惹得祸  由 AlanWake44 发表
ON: 巴萨 2-0(总比分:5-1) 巴黎圣日耳曼                                                

[–]【Monaco】somethingineveruse 97 points 2 hours ago Ten years ago, shiny yellow shoes stood out. Today, it"s Zlatan"s black shoes that stand out.10年前,大黄鞋在球场上最潮。现在,却是伊布一抹黑的球鞋最朝。
[–]【NAC Breda】tunnelvisie 27 points 2 hours ago If everyone stands out, no one stands out.要是大家都潮,意味着大家都土。
[–]【Chelsea】IDlOT 204 points 2 hours ago Chelsea didn"t die for this.我车死得冤枉啊。
[–]【Arsenal】stepbacksniper 86 points 2 hours ago No way Chelsea would lose like this.换了车子不可能跪得这么脆。
[–]【Benfica】lowfrolsd 139 points 2 hours ago David Luiz will never get nutmegged again.鲁伊斯:妈妈我再也不怕坏人穿我裆了。

[–]【Montreal Impact】arseniq33 78 points 2 hours ago So Neymar just went around him.所以内马尔干脆绕过他了。
[–]【Real Madrid】IscoAlcaron 104 points an hour ago PSG are like Oscar Pistorius. They lost both legs they had four shots on target.大巴黎就像皮斯托瑞斯。两回合都输了却有4脚射正。(吐槽刀锋战士皮斯托瑞斯枪杀妻子,没有双腿“both legs”,但对目标开了4枪“four shots”)
[–]【Arsenal】colourofinfinity 61 points an hour ago

ON: 拜仁 6-1(总比分:7-4) 波尔图                                                            

[–]【Manchester City】poppingfresh 466 points 2 hours ago How to not defend a 3-1 lead《论如何浪费3-1领先好局》
[–]【AC Milan】encoreAC 25 points 2 hours ago Can we still call this defending?技术上这个还能叫防守吗?
[–]【Manchester United】Ezmoh 1104 points 2 hours ago This kills the porto波尔图这下死干净了
[–]【Blackburn Rovers】MortenGmstPedersen12 618 points 2 hours ago porto are dying of guardiebola波尔图死于瓜迪埃博拉病毒
[–]【FC Porto】Black_Gotenks 183 points 3 hours ago Flood gates have opened :(泄洪门就这么打开了:(
[–]【Borussia Dortmund】FOR_THE_LOOT 81 points 2 hours ago “Don"t make me angry. You wouldn"t like me when I"m angry".Sincerely FC Bayern München-.-“别惹我生气。拜仁很生气,后果很严重。”你诚挚的拜仁慕尼黑-.-
[–]【Arsenal】datjozyaltidore 885 points 2 hours ago Calm down Bayern, just because they speak portugese doesn"t mean you have to 7-0 them.拜仁冷静啊,他们说葡萄牙语不代表你非要搞个7-0啊。(吐槽德国7-1巴西,以及拜仁7-0矿工,矿工有众多巴西球员都是说葡语的)
[–]【FC Porto】fijozico 135 points 2 hours ago "Fun" fact: Sporting lost 7-0 to Bayern a few years ago... I mocked my Sporting-suporting dad, and karma has come to bite my fucking ass“趣味”事实:几年前里斯本0-7输给了拜仁……我嘲笑了我那里斯本球迷老爹,现在rp守恒定理发挥作用了。
[–]【Arsenal】robak69 73 points 2 hours ago Sigh....upvote哎……为LSS点赞
[–]【Manchester City】Citeh 920 points 3 hours ago I wouldn"t be surprised if Bayern go super saiyan and win this like 5-0要是拜仁这场爆种变超级赛亚人然后5-0拿下,我丝毫不会惊讶
[–]【Arsenal】cocolovespolo 179 points 2 hours ago What are you some kind of wizard?LS是大法师吗?
[–]ajgorak 374 points 2 hours ago* Any stock prices you want to share your lack of surprise about? Because I"ll take that advice now Bayern are 4 up.Edit: You just meant first half, yeah?po主有什么股票的消息吗?我肯定跟着你买,现在拜仁已经领先4个了。编辑:您老是说上半场吧?
[–]【Manchester United】joshgsnow 145 points 2 hours ago This game should be stopped now for humanitarian reasons出于人道主义原因,这场比赛应该立即结束
[–]【FC Porto】JoaoPFA 253 points 2 hours ago Please, kill me now.现在就杀了我吧,求求你了。
[–]【1. FC K?ln】throwawaycompiler 157 points 2 hours ago I"m sorry. Now you kind of know what all of Non-Bayern German fans kinda feel like.好遗憾。现在你知道所有非拜仁粉的德国球迷的感受了吧。
[–]【Hamburger SV】Fuglylol 13 points 2 hours ago Could be worse.别慌,还有更糟的。
[–]【Hamburger SV】blackkami 13 points 2 hours ago Trust us!相信我们!
[–]【FC Porto】JohnnyyP 109 points 2 hours ago This new Bayern medical staff sure is something...拜仁这个新医疗组真是非常了得……
[–]【Borussia Dortmund】mitthrawn 635 points 3 hours ago This is like Brazil vs Germany.这就像巴西vs德国。
[–]【S?o Paulo】iheardtheysuck 268 points 2 hours ago This only shows that brazilian problems come from the colonization.这说明了巴西人的问题都是殖民引起的。
[–]【Arsenal】MattGooner 236 points 2 hours ago STOP STOP THEY"RE ALREADY DEAD住手住手,对手已经被你打死了
[–]【Hertha BSC】cppn02 77 points 3 hours ago Ideal scenario: Bayern get to the next round and take it easy on Saturday.理想剧本:拜仁晋级下一轮然后这周六手下留情。
[–]【Bayern München】reddij 37 points 3 hours ago Deal.成交。
[–]【Manchester United】louiq 57 points 3 hours ago This new Munich doctor must be Gandalf the white拜仁这个新医生一定是白袍法师甘道夫
[–]【Germany】Maxi_W 208 points 3 hours ago As a colourblind person: goddammit.作为色盲球迷,两边这球衣颜色真是醉了。
[–]rickdg 560 points 3 hours ago The side that has the ball is Bayern.控着球的那边是拜仁。
[–]【AC Milan】schiapu 108 points 2 hours ago If they are scoring goals, it"s Bayern. Easy.进球的那边是拜仁,轻松搞定。
[–]NiemalsAufgeben 52 points 2 hours ago if you love attacking football and you"re not a porto fan, you"ve come to the right place如果你喜欢攻势足球又不是波尔图球迷,那么你来对地方了
[–]【Chelsea】Sthr33 251 points 3 hours ago Yep, that"s what happens when you poke the Bayern.嗯,这就是你叫醒拜仁的后果。
[–]【Bayern München】soster506 213 points 3 hours ago Thiago - worth the fucking wait. Man he is coming up big, knock on wood he has his injuries behind him now!蒂亚戈——一切的等待都是值得的。这货强势回归,告别霉运他已经和伤病说再见了!
[–]Crouchgay 47 points 3 hours ago Imagine him, Robben and Ribéry at the same time想象他、罗本和里贝里同时在场上
[–]【Manchester City】Citeh 103 points 3 hours ago This is honestly like playing FIFA on world class, losing the first leg and then being a cheat and putting the game semi pro so you win the tie.这就像打FIFA选世界级难度,首回合输了,然后做个弊把难度调到半职业然后赢球晋级。
[–]【FC Porto】Likept 302 points 4 hours ago Damn, no Dante :(尼玛,竟然没丹特 :(
[–]【Bayern München】Ice_IX 194 points 4 hours ago Seems we both hold the same opinion of him.看来我们双方对于丹特的意见惊人地一致。
[–]【Liverpool】Thesolly180 56 points 4 hours ago no Dante no party没丹特,不开心
[–]【Bayern München】KeepOnFarming 133 points 4 hours ago no Dante no cry没丹特,不伤心
[–]【Liverpool】ihaverocketlegs 344 points 4 hours ago Completely unrelated to the game, what"s anybody"s opinion of port wine? I got a bottle from Porto this week for $18, mostly because the bottle is very cool looking and that"s how I decide on a lot of alcohol.我这个完全跟比赛无关,有谁懂葡萄牙红酒的吗?这周18镑买了一瓶,我主要因为那瓶子看起来很赞,于是决定要喝点酒。
[–]【Germany】kentzler 458 points 4 hours ago Go home, Liverpool, you"re drunk.回家吧利物浦,你已经喝大了。
[–]【Liverpool】ihaverocketlegs 366 points 4 hours ago We already did :/嗯我们是醉了 :/
[–]【Chelsea】ugallu 498 points 2 hours ago Shakhtar 0:0 Bayern ----- Bayern 7:0 ShakhtarPorto 3:1 Bayerm ----- Bayern 6:1 PortoBayern do know that the final is only played in one game that will NOT be at Allianz Arena, right?矿工0-0拜仁,拜仁7-0矿工波尔图3-1拜仁,拜仁6-1波尔图拜仁确定知道决赛只打一场而且不是在安联踢吧?
[–]【1. FC Nürnberg】Schindlers_Lift_ 387 points 2 hours ago Well, they do have a 0% win rate in CL finals at the Allianz Arena. They might prefer Berlin.额,他们欧冠决赛在安联球场的胜率是0%。可能拜仁更青睐柏林。
[–]【Bayern München】HeliosanNA 194 points 2 hours ago sigh此处应有叹息
[–]【Chelsea】DawdlingDaily 172 points 2 hours ago Fun fact:Chelsea have a 100% win rate in CL finals at the Allianz Arena.趣味知识:切尔西欧冠决赛在安联球场胜率100%。
[–]【Tottenham Hotspur】A_Rolling_Baneling 423 points 2 hours ago That wasn"t very fun at all.这个丝毫不有趣谢谢。
[–]【FC Porto】FcPortofan67 322 points 2 hours ago Parked the bus on the wrong side.大巴停错边了。
[–]【Mexico】CharlieCandle 769 points 2 hours ago RIP in peace r/soccer"s new hipster clubPorto2015-2015话题区最新黑马队安息吧波尔图,2015-2015
[–]【Arsenal】colourofinfinity 135 points 2 hours ago RIPorto安息波
[–]【Arsenal】MorganFreemann 119 points 2 hours ago shit comment but I found it hilarious that the commentators said "Dante is coming on to give porto their second and maybe some confidence for another"这解说有点黑但我觉得黑搞笑:“丹特出场来让波尔图打进第二球,再顺便给他们打打气争取第3球”
[–]【Bayern München】ACardAttack 221 points 2 hours ago* Just want to remind us all of /u/dick_cheese_jam "s post a few days ago"Bayern go through next week and this sub will suck his (Pep"s) cock to no end."我就是来这里提醒大家@芝士酱大屌前几天的一个帖子“拜仁下周要是能晋级,这个帖子里所有人就给瓜跪舔到死。”
[–]Dick_cheese_jam(芝士酱大屌) 104 points 2 hours ago Hilarious at the people who just started watching thinking bayern were out. Hilarious. Probably the second best squad behind Barcelona at this moment.刚开始看球的小白们觉得拜仁会出局真是图样图森破。太傻了。目前拜仁可能是巴萨以外最好的球队吧。
[–]【Borussia Dortmund】DiplomaticDuncan 388 points 2 hours ago ╔═════════════════ ????? ════════════════╗~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Repost this if ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ you are a beautiful strong Bayern Munich ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ who don"t need no medical staff ~ ~ ~ ~ ~╚═════════════════ ????? ════════════════╝╔═════════════════ ????? ════════════════╗~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 如果你是壮壮美美的拜仁慕尼黑 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 没有医疗组照样耍得开,玩的嗨 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 请转发本条~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ╚═════════════════ ????? ════════════════╝
[–]【Chelsea】tomdaechsel 156 points 2 hours ago Someone to Bayern before the game赛前有人发给拜仁的

[–]【Chelsea】fortunefading 30 points 2 hours ago Lol this is fucking perfect.哈哈哈这个太完美了。
往期传声筒: [英超传声筒]科斯塔扮中二坐看天王山,舍伍德洗污名冲击足总杯[传声筒]沃尔法特离职事件:自古名帅多树敌,神医离去亦幸事?[欧冠传声筒]鲁伊斯穿裙难防苏牙穿裆,波尔图反杀反教拜仁做人[英超传声筒]Rnd32:扬教授顶替天使耍流氓,大曼城买-枪太多争四忙[英超传声筒]Rnd31:小枪手弯弓射雕有如罗老汉;老查理辕门射戟只因懒得跑


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旦旦伦 发表于 2015-4-22 07:42:00 | 显示全部楼层
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lcfz093 发表于 2015-4-22 09:59:00 | 显示全部楼层
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破骑长枪 发表于 2015-4-22 10:34:00 | 显示全部楼层
引用0楼 @AlanWake44 发表的:
[–]【Liverpool】ihaverocketlegs 344 points 4 hours ago Completely unrelated to the game, what"s anybody"s opinion of port wine? I got a bottle from Porto this week for $18, mostly because the bottle is very cool looking and that"s how I decide on a lot of alcohol.我这个完全跟比赛无关,有谁懂葡萄牙红酒的吗?这周18镑买了一瓶,我主要因为那瓶子看起来很赞,于是决定要喝点酒。
[–]【Germany】kentzler 458 points 4 hours ago Go home, Liverpool, you"re drunk.回家吧利物浦,你已经喝大了。
[–]【Liverpool】ihaverocketlegs 366 points 4 hours ago We already did :/嗯我们是醉了 :/

We already did是我们已经回家了的意思吧...
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yaki 发表于 2015-4-22 10:44:00 | 显示全部楼层
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michahuhu 发表于 2015-4-22 11:04:00 | 显示全部楼层
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杜塞某男人 发表于 2015-4-22 12:48:00 | 显示全部楼层
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拜仁血液 发表于 2015-4-22 12:54:00 | 显示全部楼层
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Mr.Frog 发表于 2015-4-22 13:26:00 | 显示全部楼层
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