“饭毕,我们回到了酒店的床上。在这之前,我们来了一张自拍。随后我们开始互相亲吻,我告诉他我不是他想象的那种女人。但是,柔软的席梦思,浪漫的法国巴黎,黑又硬的马夏尔啊!没过多久,我最后的一层防线就被瓦解了(We started kissing on the bed and I did tell him I wasn’t that kind of girl — but I was a bit tipsy by then and we were in such a romantic place that I didn’t hold my resolve for long)。”
“他十分热情,他对我的嘴唇、车灯和车身都十分满意。他的活儿不错,他让我感觉很棒。那是销魂蚀骨的一晚,我们都很满足(He was a passionate lover and he complimented me on my lips and my body.He made me feel really good about myself)。” (, 下载次数: 0)