现在是实话也罚款???!!! 作者: 兰指导 时间: 2015-1-28 22:30
有*河蟹*吗? 作者: wjlzlx 时间: 2015-1-28 22:34
反切尔西言论结束,穆帅反科斯塔言论出台,这次针对评论员小雷的,应该不会受罚吧Jose Mourinho mocks ‘nuts’ ex-Liverpool man Jamie Redknapp over Diego Costa stamp row
Mourinho, was was quoted by the Daily Mirror, hit-back by saying:
“I don’t know what you understand by a stamp.
“Maybe you are already influenced by the campaign on the television with the certain pundits saying that Costa has crimes – they must be nuts, the guy who says that.
“Sky calls it a crime. I have to say that he goes to the ball, he chases it, the opponent goes to the floor and he puts his foot there when he is looking at the ball.
[color=]It is a great campaign .
“We know how much that pundit loves Chelsea. So you are sitting there, you are very well paid and you are a manager putting their ass on the bench.
“These guys have a good seat, earning a lot of money, no pressure, they are never wrong. They have to be fair and they have to be honest. I don’t know his name because when I see it I switch off the television.”
作者: droba1122 时间: 2015-1-28 22:39
说真话也要罚款,太奇葩了作者: bookerrrrrr 时间: 2015-1-28 22:40
才2.5W镑,先打10W镑回头慢慢骂。作者: 不辣的皮蛋 时间: 2015-1-28 22:54
只要鸟叔来个新闻沉默,,那些记者就哭喊着要帮交罚款了吧,,,, 作者: 兰指导 时间: 2015-1-28 23:12
反切尔西言论结束,穆帅反科斯塔言论出台,这次针对评论员小雷的,应该不会受罚吧Jose Mourinho mocks ‘nuts’ ex-Liverpool man Jamie Redknapp over Diego Costa stamp rowMourinho, was was quoted by the Daily Mirror, hit-back by saying:“I don’t know what you understand by a stamp.“Maybe you are already influenced by the campaign on the television with the certain pundits saying that Costa has crimes – they must be nuts, the guy who says that.“Sky calls it a crime. I have to say that he goes to the ball, he chases it, the opponent goes to the floor and he puts his foot there when he is looking at the ball. It is a great campaign.“We know how much that pundit loves Chelsea. So you are sitting there, you are very well paid and you are a manager putting their ass on the bench.“These guys have a good seat, earning a lot of money, no pressure, they are never wrong. They have to be fair and they have to be honest. I don’t know his name because when I see it I switch off the television.”我不知道你们怎么评判什么属于踩踏,也许你们已经被电视评论所误导。有评论员(小雷)说科斯塔是犯罪,说这话的人一定是个疯子。天空体育评论员说他是犯罪,我必须说他是冲着球去的,对手倒地,他眼睛盯着球,脚踩上去了,媒体就是想针对他(科斯塔)搞一个贴标签运动。我们都知道某评论员(小雷)有多爱切尔西,他坐在转播室,拿着优厚的薪酬。这些人太舒坦了,赚大把的钱,毫无压力,而且永远都是对的。但他们应该做到公平和诚实,我不知道说这话人的名字,因为我看到他这么评论就关了电视”