[ 此帖被蓝桥逸梦在2015-01-13 14:24修改 ]作者: 悍马狂飙 时间: 2015-1-13 13:42
还是熟悉的位置,我说的不是切尔西。作者: lokizuo 时间: 2015-1-13 13:45
广告位招租,款项捐我毛作者: macintosh 时间: 2015-1-13 13:51
Wages increased by £20 million (12%) from £173 million to £193 million, though the wages to turnover ratio lowered from 67% to 60% following the 25% revenue growth. This ratio has improved every year from the recent 82% peak in 2010. Note that these wage figures have been adjusted for exceptional items, e.g. in 2013/14 the reported staff costs of £190.6 million have been adjusted for a £2.1 million credit for the release of a provision for compensation for first team management changes.
Chelsea therefore still have the third highest wage bill in England of £193 million, behind Manchester United £215 million and Manchester City £205 million, but ahead of Arsenal £166 million.
你这里直接翻译成破车这个赛季的薪水是190.5M胖子是不对的。作者: macintosh 时间: 2015-1-13 14:05
去官方财报看了一眼,确认是上赛季(13到14赛季)工资总额,楼主要么你改一下吧。作者: Agony_sun 时间: 2015-1-13 14:06
娜娜争4已经到了丧心病狂的地步了!作者: 上海王厂长 时间: 2015-1-13 14:09 引用4楼 @macintosh 发表的:
官方财报出了?有中文版的吗?我对财报方面很感兴趣作者: macintosh 时间: 2015-1-13 14:09 引用6楼 @上海王厂长 发表的: