He said: “My view is that when you want to look forward, look for the future and have people like Fabregas and Matic and Oscar which are the next 10 years of the club, and the project is prepare for the next 10 years not for the next year, we made the right decision.
原文貌似是马第七,小法和O8,没有博加啥事,说博加的话不靠谱,连一线替补名单都没上过(联赛,杯赛,欧冠)。作者: 奔跑大蜗牛 时间: 2014-12-15 09:52
兰8永远是切尔西功勋!!只要你过的好就行!但和切尔西交手时还是希望你别破门!!作者: fatavocant 时间: 2014-12-15 09:58 引用15楼 @macintosh 发表的:
He said: “My view is that when you want to look forward, look for the future and have people like Fabregas and Matic and Oscar which are the next 10 years of the club, and the project is prepare for the next 10 years not for the next year, we made the right decision.
我刚又刷出了两条写博加的,大概他说得比较含糊,记者们都没怎么听清,就各写各的了作者: macintosh 时间: 2014-12-15 10:02 引用17楼 @fatavocant 发表的:
如果有,那无疑最后是因为薪水或上场地位问题,双方没有达成一致。这样的话,兰帕德就没有足够的理由说“I would have obviously stayed if Chelsea had offered me another year. There was no reason for me to leave.”
如果有,那无疑最后是因为薪水或上场地位问题,双方没有达成一致。这样的话,兰帕德就没有足够的理由说“I would have obviously stayed if Chelsea had offered me another year. There was no reason for me to leave.”
“I wanted to play a bit more regularly but I’m not stupid.If Chelsea had given me a new contract it would have been mad not to take it at the time.It wasn’t that I didn’t think I could still do it. If I felt like that I wouldn’t have gone to City on loan.”
补充一点,虽然不是那么老的队友,但伊万在破车的资历也不算浅了,说他很可能就是下一任队长也不过分,对于这件事伊万已经表态说Now he’s just carrying on and we are not so happy when we see that, but this is the reality了作者: 伊巴碧咸 时间: 2014-12-22 08:26 引用80楼 @kewing 发表的: