是的,这个是DG的百大纪念封面?作者: wjlzlx 时间: 2014-12-8 23:09
He told Chelsea’s official website: “They(fans) were good and they pushed the team. I think they read the game and I think that they saw that the team was trying everything and that they deserved their support.
“The good thing is that when we start the game next week against Hull City, if they want to sing something, the best song that they can sing is ‘We’re top of the league.’”
穆里尼奥给球迷点了歌词,不知道周末对阵胡尔城我们能否有优美的改编曲子 作者: 哥谭 时间: 2014-12-8 23:33
历史上只有3个人能让马拉卡纳鸦雀无声。弗兰克·辛纳屈、教皇约翰·保罗二世和吉吉亚。作者: fatavocant 时间: 2014-12-9 01:50 引用11楼 @wjlzlx 发表的:
He told Chelsea’s official website: “They(fans) were good and they pushed the team. I think they read the game and I think that they saw that the team was trying everything and that they deserved their support.
“The good thing is that when we start the game next week against Hull City, if they want to sing something, the best song that they can sing is ‘We’re top of the league.’”
we are top of the league本来近来就是场场都要唱……这歌太洗脑了,每听一次我脑内循环播放一整天作者: AKB柏木由纪 时间: 2014-12-9 09:29 引用10楼 @wjlzlx 发表的:
不说音乐造诣,单说时代特色和中国早年繁华之都的《夜上海》有点像,大街小巷,万种风情 作者: wjlzlx 时间: 2014-12-9 11:49 引用13楼 @fatavocant 发表的:
we are top of the league本来近来就是场场都要唱……这歌太洗脑了,每听一次我脑内循环播放一整天
我说的是we are top of the league哦,我觉得这首应该是我车各种chant里的最强洗脑歌了……
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uNwV1cJV_f0作者: wjlzlx 时间: 2014-12-9 12:15 引用17楼 @fatavocant 发表的:
我说的是we are top of the league哦,我觉得这首应该是我车各种chant里的最强洗脑歌了……
前面应该是一群训练有素的球迷引着唱的,吐字清晰,节奏感强,一点也不杂乱,后面这些人都没怎么唱的,整体效果还这么好,多给点票给年轻人吧(镜头中侧面看那个人好像渣渣有么有)作者: ryouzoey 时间: 2014-12-11 16:02
没人吐槽阿森纳又是第四??作者: 刘雨星 时间: 2014-12-11 20:00 引用11楼 @wjlzlx 发表的:
He told Chelsea’s official website: “They(fans) were good and they pushed the team. I think they read the game and I think that they saw that the team was trying everything and that they deserved their support.
“The good thing is that when we start the game next week against Hull City, if they want to sing something, the best song that they can sing is ‘We’re top of the league.’”