查看更多足球新闻作者: hlwxhn12345 时间: 2014-12-8 10:41
还是榜首。 作者: wjlzlx 时间: 2014-12-8 10:58
“Nobody has done better than us. Everyone would like to be in our position. So we are more than fine. We are better than anybody else.”
How much better? “I don’t say my team is the best, I say my team is top of the league and at this moment nobody has the same points we have.
“Because of that at the moment we’re the best team in the Premier League.”
1、英超的better side,而不是足坛
if they want to sing something, the best song that they can sing is "We are top of the league"."
穆帅同时还给球迷传递信息,让他们歌唱我们是榜首球队的歌词,不知道斯坦福桥会不会那么唱,球队确实需要鼓舞而不是苛责,特别是卡希尔这种几句责任心的球员需要的是鼓励而不是指责,他自己估计都后悔死了作者: brondal 时间: 2014-12-8 10:58
问题不太大,阿奎罗伤了,一月丫丫图雷还要去非洲杯,我车会丢分,曼城也不可能全胜作者: 库里巴利 时间: 2014-12-8 11:02
从场面看,纽卡除了控球率,攻出来的场面,制造的威胁不在少数。帕杜下半场的换人根本就没有以拿一分为荣。鸟可能以为这样说对球队有激励吧。作者: 奔跑大蜗牛 时间: 2014-12-8 11:22
我敢肯定,胡尔城已经吓尿,周六我车肯定在主场拿老虎撒气!!作者: 斜阳看尽 时间: 2014-12-8 12:32