[ 此帖被岚峰2012在2014-10-18 14:55修改 ]作者: 穆里尼奥蜜 时间: 2014-10-18 14:52
王姑娘的翻译太强大了,点赞作者: fatavocant 时间: 2014-10-18 14:52
渣爹说的I don’t want him to become – and he used the name of two or three players应该是”我不希望他成为……(他列举了两三个球员的名字)“
我很好奇这两三个反面典型是谁……作者: 岚峰2012 时间: 2014-10-18 14:53
作者: 梦枕红袖 时间: 2014-10-18 14:56
王姑娘,我也爱你!翻译的真不错 作者: 神灯20130511 时间: 2014-10-18 15:07
翻译的太好了 赞个作者: 岚峰2012 时间: 2014-10-18 15:10 引用15楼 @fatavocant 发表的:
渣爹说的I don’t want him to become – and he used the name of two or three players应该是”我不希望他成为……(他列举了两三个球员的名字)“
不,这里的意思是”他现在是个好父亲,好丈夫,好儿子,我希望他变成伟大的球员,但不能变得不再是好父亲好丈夫好儿子“,语境内的意思是很明显的,reddit讨论也很多人在猜这几个不是好父亲好丈夫的好球员到底是谁作者: zixusands 时间: 2014-10-18 15:35 引用15楼 @fatavocant 发表的:
渣爹说的I don’t want him to become – and he used the name of two or three players应该是”我不希望他成为……(他列举了两三个球员的名字)“
作者: 薄醉 时间: 2014-10-18 15:48
翻译真是又好又快作者: 南阳小队长 时间: 2014-10-18 15:51
比新浪的强多了。。。 作者: gumuchouchou 时间: 2014-10-18 16:10 引用15楼 @fatavocant 发表的:
渣爹说的I don’t want him to become – and he used the name of two or three players应该是”我不希望他成为……(他列举了两三个球员的名字)“
原文说兰帕德is the only one of that age,意思是现在曼城队伍里只有兰帕德是那种处在江河日下年龄段的人 作者: 周慕雲 时间: 2014-10-18 16:16
最好的穆里尼奥,最好的文豪。作者: xayunst 时间: 2014-10-18 16:27
希望鸟叔不再离开 作者: 岚峰2012 时间: 2014-10-18 16:32
We can never transform these fantastic players and men into a competitive animal, a competitive machine. Not even his father wants [that].
最像人形机器那个,好像脑子里有人选了。作者: woailuo13457 时间: 2014-10-18 17:29
阿扎尔的父亲真的是好父亲,这都是值得学习的。作者: shane2011 时间: 2014-10-18 17:31
王姑娘对我穆是真爱这篇文章信息量很大 比那些捕风捉影脑补的玄幻新闻强百倍作者: yefater 时间: 2014-10-18 17:40
山东济南找蓝翔作者: brianzwb 时间: 2014-10-18 17:54
这篇文章实在是太好了,给鸟点赞,给内文豪点赞,最重要给王姑娘点赞!作者: lane016 时间: 2014-10-18 17:56
翻译得不错。同一篇内容,新浪的小编翻译得烂死了,读起来都拗口辛苦死了。 作者: 军曹SKY 时间: 2014-10-18 18:08
好喜欢这种文章啊 作者: kingsubway 时间: 2014-10-18 18:11
应该拉上教授一块做节目,就完全是英版“昨天,今天,明天”的即视感,作者: 澳洲考拉 时间: 2014-10-18 23:32
谢谢楼主辛苦翻译!作者: 大头大 时间: 2014-10-18 23:33
请问楼主英文链接可以发下么?您文章最下面那个国外网站我打不开;) 多谢你了!感谢!作者: 剩个炉子 时间: 2014-10-19 00:44
读到好文章作者: ABRASZA 时间: 2014-10-19 00:55
楼主的译文就不引用了,我大致逐段重新理一下内在的逻辑顺序。 One of his most interesting answers was to a semmingly innocuous question about which coaches he most admires. “I think we are in a moment of contradictions,” he says. “Because there is a wave of opinion that says because the knowledge is available for everyone – the distance between you and the knowledge is a click – we have got generations of people well-informed, well prepared.
“I disagree. I feel a lot when I read what people sometimes write, that it’s not like this, because when the knowledge is at the disposal of everybody, some people are in a comfort zone. When the knowledge is not at your disposal, you have to think. And you have to produce knowledge.
“If you want a good training session because you want to coach defence in a low block you have 200 sessions [pointing to the computer, where they are accessible on the internet]. If you don’t have this [the information] you have to produce it yourself. So I see lots of replicas. You got to the fifth division, or Under-10s, the two centre-halves open, the goalkeeper gives the ball to the central midfielder, the central midfielder isn’t technically good, he loses the ball. But they keep going in the same direction. We are in the moment of stability because the knowledge is available to everyone and we have stopped in a comfort zone.”
后面的“model of play”也是同理。恐怕楼主翻译为“执教模式/比赛模型/比赛模板”,连自己都不一定能明白具体指的是什么吧。这里的意思其实不如说是战术套路/战术理念。——因为自己不是一个会“怀抱着自己的足球理念哪怕到死也不改变”的教练,所以也不存在什么固定的进行比赛的模式(model of play)。
后面的“model of play”也是同理。恐怕楼主翻译为“执教模式/比赛模型/比赛模板”,连自己都不一定能明白具体指的是什么吧。这里的意思其实不如说是战术套路/战术理念。——因为自己不是一个会“怀抱着自己的足球理念哪怕到死也不改变”的教练,所以也不存在什么固定的进行比赛的模式(model of play)。