3. 阿布到来之前和之后,切尔西其实没有真正的宿敌,但是伦敦地区最不受其他球迷欢迎的球队非切尔西莫属,主要的原因还是金元足球的开启。阿森纳单纯是因为竞争“伦敦之王”失利导致的球迷敌对,但是最讨厌切尔西的是 QPR 女王园林巡游者和西汉姆联队的球迷。 他们最有名的段子就是上世纪开始一直流传的 “从斯坦福桥到厄普顿公园,准备好你的蓝旗,插向你们的屁.眼。 “From Stamford Bridge to Upton Park, stick the blue flag up your arse”
4。除了这些区域,有名的伦敦宿敌还有一对,伦敦南郊的水晶宫同查尔顿是见面就打的宿敌。最有名的故事就是04-05赛季,水晶宫主场对阵查尔顿,他们急需三分避免降级,比赛到了82分钟,水晶宫2:1领先时被查尔顿扳平了比分。查尔顿球迷这辈子最著名的庆祝就是这一次,全场为之疯狂。水晶宫主席“西蒙.乔丹“当着电视机的面辱骂查尔顿球迷 “榆木脑袋”“痴呆”。 这里上传几段有名的宿敌足球流氓对喷(甚至打架的视频)
答:简单,把他带到伦敦其他地区,问他怎么走. (讽刺切尔西富人区的球迷大多生活在社会顶层,很少知道东区南区的人民疾苦和道路状况)
Q: How do u confuse a local Chelsea fan? A: Take him to London and then ask him for directions.2.问:你知道navy品牌合作出的新的切尔西主题胸罩吗?
Did you hear about the new Chelsea Bra? Lots of support but no cups.(不懂女性的jr自己百度询问“钢丝”的意思
切尔西有一个球迷咨询电话是 800-566-7311, 1和7相似, 在手机上打出来就是 LOOSERS(失败者)
Counseling offered to all Chelsea fans. Call 1-800-566-7311 – that’s 1-800-LOOSERS.
Arsene Wenger gives uncomfortable BBC interview
Arsenal manager Arsene Wenger takes part in an uncomfortable interview with Match of the Day"s Jacqui Oatley after his team"s 2-2 draw against Hull.
After the interview, Match of the Day presenter Gary Lineker tweeted: "Must say, I thought Arsene Wenger was arrogant, defensive and patronising to Jacqui Oatley in the face of excellent and fair questioning."
After Wenger had complained of Hull sitting back in their own half, Oatley asks: "So you feel you didn"t win the game because they didn"t come out of their half enough?"
"I didn"t say that," replies the Frenchman. "You don"t listen very well to me."
In the following question, Oatley says: "Two wins out of eight matches in the Premier League this season. Who or what do you think is to blame for that?"
Wenger replies: "Why do you always want to blame people?" before adding: "I don"t understand the question."
Addressing fans" concerns, Oatley asks why the Gunners did not sign a defender or defensive midfielder in the transfer window.
"You have been at the game today, I don"t know why you would come up with such a question when you"ve seen the game today," says the Arsenal boss.