C罗跟我说他喜欢波涛胸涌的妹子,这也是他会成为我的球迷的原因。他让我给他跳了几次脱衣舞,但是我知道,他只是想看看我的小妹妹(He said he loved big ones, that’s why he’d noticed me. He asked me to strip a few times but mostly he just wanted to see his ‘girls’)。 (, 下载次数: 19)
当C罗看见我真实的小妹妹时,他简直都疯了,就像一位走进了糖果商店的小孩子。他的手在我身上上下翻飞,随意游走,根本停不下来(When he saw them for real he went crazy, like a kid in a sweet shop. He couldn’t keep his hands off me)。 (, 下载次数: 10)
2014年巴西世界杯时,我俩终于见面了。去年九月,我们在葡萄牙的阿尔加维滚了床单,C罗做了一次一夜三次郎(We finally met at the 2014 World Cup in Brazil. Last September we had sex three times in one night in Portugal’s Algarve)。她让我把电话交给他,之后一边鼓捣我的头发,一边把我拉进了房间(Cristiano told me to hand over my mobile, grabbed me by the hair and led me to his room)。 (, 下载次数: 19)