最重要的,因为特拉奥雷的存在,这事压根就没法洗。同样的薪水签了不需要共有的马里人,一个赛季踢了100分钟。(lz又要说加利亚尼不负责选人?)作者: 绝世明伶 时间: 2015-3-17 11:53
加秃眼光不行,在他眼里波霸不值那么多。作者: 骂人专用马甲 时间: 2015-3-17 12:01
当时主要是忌讳曼联的看法,波霸走人时,曼联确实反应挺激烈的作者: 真田宗信 时间: 2015-3-17 14:20
我纯就是不想得罪爵爷- -当初比达尔那事也是不想得罪拜仁。。。作者: kakaxi1899 时间: 2015-3-17 18:59
还是新浪比较适合楼主 作者: 奥斯卡教授 时间: 2015-3-25 11:11
“Milan wanted to take him in co-ownership with Genoa and send him there,” Raiola revealed.
“We rejected that. Inter said they didn"t want to be discourteous to [Manchester United manager Sir Alex] Ferguson.
“With Juve, the deal was this. You take him, you give him a first team salary right away, you take responsibility and you don’t loan him out.
“The first person I offered him to was [Roma sporting director Walter] Sabatini.
“He told me, ‘Raiola, I’ve not been offered anyone good’. I took a pen, and wrote ‘Pogba’.”