作者: Lbj1984 时间: 2015-1-2 14:47
Cerci: "I"m happy to be here. I wanted to join Milan last summer as well."
Cerci: "The important thing is that I have joined Milan, and I am very happy to be here. I have already talked with Inzaghi."
Cerci: "The number 22 shirt? It"s an important number as Kakà wore it. We will see what number I decide to wear."
22号?这是一个重要的号码因为卡卡穿过。我们很快就知道我会穿哪个号码。(要不选9号吧,拉仇恨要拉到底作者: 黑胖老头 时间: 2015-1-2 14:54 引用21楼 @Sonho_de_Luz 发表的:
因为……22战斗力比较强……大概…… 引用22楼 @Sonho_de_Luz 发表的:
Cerci: "I"m happy to be here. I wanted to join Milan last summer as well."
Cerci: "The important thing is that I have joined Milan, and I am very happy to be here. I have already talked with Inzaghi."
Cerci: "The number 22 shirt? It"s an important number as Kakà wore it. We will see what number I decide to wear."