好歹是个正经中锋作者: 总理卡拉泽 时间: 2015-1-3 23:55
帕奇尼基本要走的情况下哪怕就算水成卡罗尔也得撸来啊,快要看瞎了梅内伪中锋的打法了作者: 东南互保 时间: 2015-1-4 00:02
半程进8球 也不错了~ 作者: 秋天甚好 时间: 2015-1-4 00:27
最希望的是把大面撸回来,都灵三杰?作者: Sonho_de_Luz 时间: 2015-1-4 01:03
Sky reports that Milan and Atlético Madrid also spoke about the midfielder Mario Suarez during the Cerci-Torres negotiations.Atlético Madrid are only willing to let Mario Suarez leave in a permanent deal. Milan initially wanted a loan deal.
天空电视台说你毛和马竞在727-托妞换租交易的时候还讨论过马里奥·苏亚雷斯。但是马竞只想卖而你毛只想租,遂告吹。作者: dark_thistle 时间: 2015-1-4 01:08 引用14楼 @Sonho_de_Luz 发表的:
Sky reports that Milan and Atlético Madrid also spoke about the midfielder Mario Suarez during the Cerci-Torres negotiations.Atlético Madrid are only willing to let Mario Suarez leave in a permanent deal. Milan initially wanted a loan deal.