职业球员不一样,每天每顿都是设计好吃的,少吃一点体力就差很远了作者: 白云无尽时 时间: 2015-4-20 23:02
比斗一瘸一拐进球的画面历历在目,,,作者: fengpai 时间: 2015-4-20 23:03
来自 Zen For Android作者: 天蓝色的瞳 时间: 2015-4-20 23:06
希望是烟雾弹可以吗!作者: kingofturkey 时间: 2015-4-20 23:11
这伤的太奇葩了吧。。。不过我和比豆同时感冒,缘分,千万要进四强啊 作者: troubleo 时间: 2015-4-20 23:12
还有3天,早着呢。。。。作者: xbwqaz 时间: 2015-4-20 23:14
16:42 - VIDAL TOMORROW DOVREBVE TRAINING WITH COMPANIONS - In Juve there is excessive concern about the conditions of Arturo Vidal and there is no need to panic. The Chilean has accused an acute tonsillitis, but tomorrow - reports Sky Sports - most likely will train regularly with classmates.作者: 第一推动 时间: 2015-4-20 23:16
扁桃体。。。好烂的烟雾弹。。。作者: Ringhio0713 时间: 2015-4-20 23:29
扁桃体还好。。只要不是受伤作者: 洞爺湖仙人 时间: 2015-4-20 23:29
比达尔今年的背运这是没完没了作者: woody只爱可老吊 时间: 2015-4-20 23:31 引用14楼 @xbwqaz 发表的:
16:42 - VIDAL TOMORROW DOVREBVE TRAINING WITH COMPANIONS - In Juve there is excessive concern about the conditions of Arturo Vidal and there is no need to panic. The Chilean has accused an acute tonsillitis, but tomorrow - reports Sky Sports - most likely will train regularly with classmates.