专区流言版的新闻,看下那个媒体大致就知道靠谱不靠谱了,门户的,呵呵作者: 搬砖后卫 时间: 2015-5-21 17:59
Barcelona coach Luis Enrique (45) has decided to continue next season. He will announce it after the season. [sport]作者: 搬砖后卫 时间: 2015-5-21 18:01
barcastuff ?@barcastuff 3小时3小时前
Adviser Braida watched players like Paul Pogba and Felipe Anderson during Italian cup final between Juventus and Lazio yesterday. [md]作者: 搬砖后卫 时间: 2015-5-21 18:02
barcastuff ?@barcastuff 11小时11小时前
Juventus midfielder Paul Pogba (22) prefers to join Barcelona and is rejecting other offers. Barcelona would sign him in 2016. [sport]作者: 搬砖后卫 时间: 2015-5-21 18:03 barcastuff ?@barcastuff 13小时
Picture: Barcelona transfer adviser Braida attends Italian cup final between Juventus and Lazio tonight #fcblive [md] 作者: 18ninesun 时间: 2015-5-21 18:13 引用22楼 @龙腾于东方 发表的: