只算前两条,按五年合同,小弟觉得内马尔每年平摊下来还有800万,加上之前的900万,总共是1700万。而梅西2013年是1600万,所以才有内马尔工资比梅西小白还高的说法。另外这是巴萨当地球迷的一条评论,谷歌成英语““Increasing you seeking wages that place over
[color=]This charging 17M per season, Messi and Iniesta wanted something renewal
immediately when they heard this.
If they had not not asked that simple. Do you
their conclusions, because for me this is a pulse of the directive to annoy
Messi and is even more pissed to soak marching. I see clear.” ”
只算前两条,按五年合同,小弟觉得内马尔每年平摊下来还有800万,加上之前的900万,总共是1700万。而梅西2013年是1600万,所以才有内马尔工资比梅西小白还高的说法。另外这是巴萨当地球迷的一条评论,谷歌成英语““Increasing you seeking wages that place over
Messi? This charging 17M per season, Messi and Iniesta wanted something renewal
immediately when they heard this. If they had not not asked that simple. Do you
their conclusions, because for me this is a pulse of the directive to annoy
Messi and is even more pissed to soak marching. I see clear.” ”
只算前两条,按五年合同,小弟觉得内马尔每年平摊下来还有800万,加上之前的900万,总共是1700万。而梅西2013年是1600万,所以才有内马尔工资比梅西小白还高的说法。另外这是巴萨当地球迷的一条评论,谷歌成英语““Increasing you seeking wages that place over
Messi? This charging 17M per season, Messi and Iniesta wanted something renewal
immediately when they heard this. If they had not not asked that simple. Do you
their conclusions, because for me this is a pulse of the directive to annoy
Messi and is even more pissed to soak marching. I see clear.” ”
只算前两条,按五年合同,小弟觉得内马尔每年平摊下来还有800万,加上之前的900万,总共是1700万。而梅西2013年是1600万,所以才有内马尔工资比梅西小白还高的说法。另外这是巴萨当地球迷的一条评论,谷歌成英语““Increasing you seeking wages that place over
Messi? This charging 17M per season, Messi and Iniesta wanted something renewal
immediately when they heard this. If they had not not asked that simple. Do you
their conclusions, because for me this is a pulse of the directive to annoy
Messi and is even more pissed to soak marching. I see clear.” ”[B][/B]
只算前两条,按五年合同,小弟觉得内马尔每年平摊下来还有800万,加上之前的900万,总共是1700万。而梅西2013年是1600万,所以才有内马尔工资比梅西小白还高的说法。另外这是巴萨当地球迷的一条评论,谷歌成英语““Increasing you seeking wages that place over
Messi? This charging 17M per season, Messi and Iniesta wanted something renewal
immediately when they heard this. If they had not not asked that simple. Do you
their conclusions, because for me this is a pulse of the directive to annoy
Messi and is even more pissed to soak marching. I see clear.” ”
只算前两条,按五年合同,小弟觉得内马尔每年平摊下来还有800万,加上之前的900万,总共是1700万。而梅西2013年是1600万,所以才有内马尔工资比梅西小白还高的说法。另外这是巴萨当地球迷的一条评论,谷歌成英语““Increasing you seeking wages that place over
Messi? This charging 17M per season, Messi and Iniesta wanted something renewal
immediately when they heard this. If they had not not asked that simple. Do you
their conclusions, because for me this is a pulse of the directive to annoy
Messi and is even more pissed to soak marching. I see clear.” ”
只算前两条,按五年合同,小弟觉得内马尔每年平摊下来还有800万,加上之前的900万,总共是1700万。而梅西2013年是1600万,所以才有内马尔工资比梅西小白还高的说法。另外这是巴萨当地球迷的一条评论,谷歌成英语““Increasing you seeking wages that place over
Messi? This charging 17M per season, Messi and Iniesta wanted something renewal
immediately when they heard this. If they had not not asked that simple. Do you
their conclusions, because for me this is a pulse of the directive to annoy
Messi and is even more pissed to soak marching. I see clear.” ”
只算前两条,按五年合同,小弟觉得内马尔每年平摊下来还有800万,加上之前的900万,总共是1700万。而梅西2013年是1600万,所以才有内马尔工资比梅西小白还高的说法。另外这是巴萨当地球迷的一条评论,谷歌成英语““Increasing you seeking wages that place over
Messi? This charging 17M per season, Messi and Iniesta wanted something renewal
immediately when they heard this. If they had not not asked that simple. Do you
their conclusions, because for me this is a pulse of the directive to annoy
Messi and is even more pissed to soak marching. I see clear.” ”
只算前两条,按五年合同,小弟觉得内马尔每年平摊下来还有800万,加上之前的900万,总共是1700万。而梅西2013年是1600万,所以才有内马尔工资比梅西小白还高的说法。另外这是巴萨当地球迷的一条评论,谷歌成英语““Increasing you seeking wages that place over
Messi? This charging 17M per season, Messi and Iniesta wanted something renewal
immediately when they heard this. If they had not not asked that simple. Do you
their conclusions, because for me this is a pulse of the directive to annoy
Messi and is even more pissed to soak marching. I see clear.” ”