When West Brom striker Berahino gave an unsolicited interview to Sky Sports in February, he angered his club, who now reportedly have no plans to initiate contract talks and will consider selling the talented striker in the summer.
贝拉希诺也被操弄干了同样的事情。这个经纪人,只想捞钱,骗小孩。作者: lyobunshi 时间: 2015-5-21 22:47
别说本地球迷,连虎扑懂球帝都受不了了作者: JonasP 时间: 2015-5-21 22:52
发自虎扑WindowsPhone客户端作者: 我不是萝莉控 时间: 2015-5-21 22:57 引用20楼 @莱斯特山人 发表的:
开玩笑,我军握有斯特林两年的合同,这事占有绝对主动权。 只要留下来两年里可能发生很多事情,但这个当口第一不能向球员屈服,第二要搞掉那个经纪人。
When West Brom striker Berahino gave an unsolicited interview to Sky Sports in February, he angered his club, who now reportedly have no plans to initiate contract talks and will consider selling the talented striker in the summer.
When West Brom striker Berahino gave an unsolicited interview to Sky Sports in February, he angered his club, who now reportedly have no plans to initiate contract talks and will consider selling the talented striker in the summer.