

小肥云 发表于 2015-2-23 12:01:00 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式 打印 上一主题 下一主题
Back again to the FA Cup
重回足总杯January 19th, 2015

Hi everyone,
Sundays after a win are always nice and quite. And it wasn’t easy this time…
We already knew how tough it is to play at Loftus Road… I’m not quite sure about its dimensions but from the pitch I’d say it’s the smallest one in the league. But what matters is that we fought hard and were able to win. We made several chances throughout the entire game and finally we got three valuable points thanks to the goals from Felli and James. QPR played their cards, as we expected, and they were also dangerous when sending long balls to the attacking players, but David, once again, was a wall. Winning this weekend was even more important since all the teams in the top side of the table -except Manchester City- won their games. There’s still a long way to go; we have to keep pushing and be at a high level because our main rivals will do the same. We want to get in top form to the crucial weeks of the season.
我们已经知道了在Loftus Road(QPR主场)比赛有多塔夫....我不太确定它的大小,不过从它的球场我可以说它是联赛最小的之一。不过重要的是我们努力战斗并取得了胜利。我们在整场比赛中制造了数次机会,最终由蓬蓬和威少的进球得到了宝贵的3分。如我们所料,QPR祭出了他们的招牌打法,他们用长传把球传给攻击球员制造威胁。不过大荷鸭,又一次化身铜墙铁壁。这个周末赢球显得更加重要,因为排名靠前的球队——除了曼城——都赢了。仍有漫漫长路,我们必须继续给自己鼓劲并保持高水平,因为我们主要的对手也会这么做。我们要在赛季中关键的这几个星期保持良好的状态。
Now it’s time for the FA Cup, this is a competition that I like very much as I have said here many times. Perhaps it is because I was lucky to win it in my first year in England and I have good memories from those games at Wembley. We play against Cambridge United, from League Two. I believe they are not going to make things easier for us in their stadium.
I watched a lot of sports on TV this Sunday… In Spain the top three teams did their job. The fight for la Liga title continues. I would like to congratulate Fernando Torres for his goals in the Copa del Rey, I’m sure they gave them a lot of confidence. What an impressive way to score again with Atlético.
From here I also send my congrats to Marc Coma after winning his 5th Dakar. Amazing. And now that the Rally is over the Handball World Championship starts, where Spain is aiming to win back-to-back titles; and the Australian Open too, it’ll be interesting to follow the tennis games in these couple of weeks…
在这里我还要对Marc Coma赢得他的第五次达喀尔拉力赛送出我的祝贺。不可思议。现在这项拉力赛已经结束,手球世锦赛开始了,西班牙的目标是卫冕。还有澳网也开始了,接下来的几周看看网球比赛会很有趣....(译者:蜀黍好像很宅的样子)
Big hug to all of you, have a good week.

PS: It was nice to see Ferdinand again. We were together in United for just five months but he always treated me very well… Good luck Rio!

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