
标题: 国外也有段子手:伤不起真的伤不起 [打印本页]

作者: vovage2000    时间: 2015-10-12 19:56
标题: 国外也有段子手:伤不起真的伤不起



Nerdyboy312(利物浦球迷):你快乐吗?我很快乐!(IT'S HAPPY STATUS)

Takley(曼联球迷):利物浦不愧抢曼联头条专业户,现在没人关注我们输给阿森纳了耶。(Classy Liverpool taking the media attention away from our loss)

AfricanRain(阿森纳球迷):如此完美的一天就这么毁了。(Perfect day ruined)

PhilippeCooltinho(利物浦球迷):其实心里不太舒服,就像无论前任再怎么极品,分手了也会难过。(You know when you break up with your annoying girlfriend and then get that feeling shortly after of missing her and feeling sad and lonely ='[)

ShamWooKim(利物浦球迷):知道怎么办吗?再找一个更好的,比如克洛普和安切洛蒂就不错!(You know the cure? A hot more experienced babe. (Klopp or Ancelotti in!))


malicious_turtle(斯莱戈流浪者球迷):亨利不能是gay吧…(No homo…)

funktion(巴黎球迷):我心甘情愿为了亨利变弯。(It's Henry. I would go full homo, no lie.)

SILKY_JOHNSON(英格兰球迷):简直就像卡拉格的小媳妇一样哈哈哈。(He's acting like Carra's over concerned wife haha)

Gorgonpistol(阿森纳球迷):要是手再往右移几公分的话,亨利就手球了。(If his hand was a few more inches to the right we'd all be talking about another Henry handball incident.)


Sir_Psycho_Sexy_(利物浦球迷):官官官官官官宣啦!(IT'S OFFICIALLY OFFICIAL!)

CaptainGerrrard(利物浦球迷):我现在的心情就是这样的:(Now I'm like...)

Ngudav15(马竞球迷):下周就能在某网站看到“惊!小火箭或随渣叔加盟红军”(Now for the Reus to Liverpool rumors following the weekend.)

cd1310(巴萨球迷):是我的错觉吗,渣叔是不是瘦了?(Is it me or does he look like he's lost quite a bit of weight?)

quae3Bah(纽伦堡球迷):几个月没工作,早已饥渴难耐了。(He was unemployed for a few months. He's probably starving by now.)

SpurtThrow(热刺球迷):看来我们要送一血了…艹。(So we’re gonna be the first team to be hit…shit.)


lordjems(牛津球迷):加里-斯皮德若泉下有知,一定会无比自豪的。(Gary Speed would have been so proud.)

Ps3FifaCfc95(凯尔特人球迷):上次威尔士参加国际大赛时,淘汰他们的人是…贝利。(The last time Wales qualified for a major tournament, Pele scored the winner against them in the quarter finals.)

berlinbastard(威尔士球迷):别难过啊苏格兰,我们会给你寄明信片的。(We'll send you a postcard, Scotland.)

oAta_(苏格兰球迷):小样我记住你了。(I'll remember this.)

Gatokar(曼联球迷):北境不会遗忘。(The North Remembers)

berlinbastard(威尔士球迷):炎夏将至。(Summer 2016 is coming)



dpgingo(利物浦球迷):伊万也伤了?对我们非车迷来说真是天大的坏消息。(Ivanovic? That seems bad for everyone who isn't a Chelsea fan.)

xEazy420(埃弗顿球迷):曼城球迷要骂娘了。(City fans must be real pissed)

RonRonSav(阿森纳球迷):竟然没有我厂球员,我都不敢相信自己的眼睛。(Bit weird not seeing an Arsenal player in a list about injuries.)

AdviceDanimals(巴萨球迷):哈哈你们这些弱鸡,我萨就不会被FIFA病毒影响,反正都在联赛期伤了。(Jokes on you guys, all of our players get injured during the regular season!)

Blehe(皇马球迷):那还是比不过我们,皇马球员不管踢什么比赛都在受伤。(We always try to beat you guys. We always get injured on international break & regular season!)

Iciclewind(曼城球迷):伤已冠。(this team can take the CL)


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