泰达不给孙可注册我感觉有其道理,孙可的所有权涉嫌重大违规 由 Crawfishcake2 发表
如果泰达和权健不扯皮,外人无从知晓。但是现在一扯皮,孙可所有权的问题就暴露了,这就是FIFA今年5月1号开始要严打的球员经济权利TPO(Third-party ownership of players’ economic
On 22 December 2014, the member associations were informed by means of Circular Letter no. 1464
about the inclusion of the new provisions in the Regulations on the Status and Transfer of Players (RSTP)
and their coming into force on 1 January 2015.
This was based on the approval by the FIFA Executive Committee on 19 December 2014 of the proposal to
include the following provisions in the RSTP concerning TPO:
1. No club or player shall enter into an agreement with a third party whereby a third party is being
entitled to participate, either in full or in part, in compensation payable in relation to the future
Third-party ownership of players’ economic rights (April 2015) 2
transfer of a player from one club to another, or is being assigned any rights in relation to a future
2. The TPO ban will come into force on 1 May 2015.
3. Existing agreements can remain in place until their ordinary contractual expiry.
4. As an additional obligation, all existing agreements covered by the ban need to be recorded within
FIFA’s Transfer Matching System by the end of April 2015.
5. Agreements made between 1 January and 30 April 2015 will be subject to a time limit (one year
这样看起来,泰达不接受权健的要求才是正确的做法,而且要是泰达不这么做,接受了权健的要求,一旦被查实泰达和孙可就将受到FIFA的处罚。因此无论泰达的动机如何,它的做法是毫无可挑剔之处的,它有充足的理由可以这么做和必须这么做。因此球迷只能骂泰达只能骂它这么做的动机。。。 |