作者: wjlzlx 时间: 2015-3-27 01:57
“I"d make their teas and coffees, even silly things like sit on the toilet to make the seat warm for them (Wise) in the cold winter days at the training ground” —John Terry 钢铁原来是这样炼成的
作者: ace_ultraman 时间: 2015-3-27 01:57
特里如果退役了,会流失多少球迷?兰帕德的离开,就已经让切尔西失去一部分球迷群体了,为什么元老人蜜就不能和板牙车蜜和谐共处的问题何时才能解决? 作者: evilrabbit 时间: 2015-3-27 02:04
坐等接卡。。。作者: 遥控大猫 时间: 2015-3-27 02:13
欢脱的来接卡作者: zixusands 时间: 2015-3-27 02:14 引用6楼 @wjlzlx 发表的:
“I"d make their teas and coffees, even silly things like sit on the toilet to make the seat warm for them (Wise) in the cold winter days at the training ground” —John Terry 钢铁原来是这样炼成的
苍姐是谁啊 作者: 马小得瑟 时间: 2015-3-27 09:33
终于官宣了,队长请多带带祖玛作者: crazypooh 时间: 2015-3-27 17:10 引用6楼 @wjlzlx 发表的:
“I"d make their teas and coffees, even silly things like sit on the toilet to make the seat warm for them (Wise) in the cold winter days at the training ground” —John Terry 钢铁原来是这样炼成的
太狭隘了。。。。作者: 蓝桥天空 时间: 2015-3-27 18:35 引用6楼 @wjlzlx 发表的:
“I"d make their teas and coffees, even silly things like sit on the toilet to make the seat warm for them (Wise) in the cold winter days at the training ground” —John Terry 钢铁原来是这样炼成的