搂草打兔子,连带发泄一下吧应该是~作者: 岚峰2012 时间: 2014-9-23 04:56
Dear Fahad Musana, you are gone but not forgotten, heaven must have a place for you. RIP...
沛公在天堂的名字从此永远被打入黑名单,永不录用! This one for you my dear Musana.You are the world No.1 Chelski!
[ 此帖被岚峰2012在2014-09-23 05:51修改 ]作者: samm的围脖 时间: 2014-9-23 07:26
[quote]引用19楼 @萨拉赫. 发表的:
不就是十打十一最后几分钟被扳平了嘛,心里不爽嘛,兰帕德是职业球员,进球是应该的,这位球迷的不幸和蓝8和沛公有鸟关系,说话走脑子嘛?作者: samm的围脖 时间: 2014-9-23 07:28 引用42楼 @岚峰2012 发表的:
Dear Fahad Musana, you are gone but not forgotten, heaven must have a place for you. RIP...
沛公在天堂的名字从此永远被打入黑名单,永不录用! This one for you my dear Musana.You are the world No.1 Chelski!
引用42楼 @岚峰2012 发表的:
Dear Fahad Musana, you are gone but not forgotten, heaven must have a place for you. RIP...
沛公在天堂的名字从此永远被打入黑名单,永不录用! This one for you my dear Musana.You are the world No.1 Chelski!