标题: 求问一下科奎林和施耐德林到底都是不是英超本土青训? [打印本页] 作者: cst_zf 时间: 2015-6-7 00:23 标题: 求问一下科奎林和施耐德林到底都是不是英超本土青训? 求问一下科奎林和施耐德林到底都是不是英超本土青训? 由 cst_zf 发表在
如果都占17人名额的话,我觉得引入施耐德林的可能性就非常低了,有这个名额,除非迪亚比不续约(内心里真心接受不了这个……),否则还不如引进一个更大牌的球员进来。 作者: lasdi 时间: 2015-6-7 00:57
科奎林现在还是俱乐部青训,他17岁来的。具体看这里:http://bbs.hupu.com/10012025.html作者: Davids0313 时间: 2015-6-7 01:04
师奶在现下的规则里还是属于“户口本”的 不过马上要改的新政里就不属于了作者: fatfat325 时间: 2015-6-7 01:13
柯克兰不算 因为中间被外租过作者: fatfat325 时间: 2015-6-7 01:20
“Home Grown Player” means a Player who, irrespective of his nationality or age, has been registered with any Club (or club) affiliated to the Football Association or the Football Association of Wales for a period, continuous or not, of three Seasons or 36 months prior to his 21st birthday (or the end of the Season during which he turns 21) and for the purposes of this definition of “Home Grown Player” a Season will be deemed to commence on the date on which the first Transfer Window closes and expire on the date of the final League Match of the Season;作者: 捷克10号 时间: 2015-6-7 08:55
FM里记得小林不算青训,中间外租一次悲剧了… 作者: Lilidan 时间: 2015-6-7 12:02 引用4楼 @fatfat325 发表的:
柯克兰不算 因为中间被外租过
老政策只要21岁零364天之前呆满三年就算户口本。作者: 章彦博 时间: 2015-6-7 17:08 引用5楼 @fatfat325 发表的:
“Home Grown Player” means a Player who, irrespective of his nationality or age, has been registered with any Club (or club) affiliated to the Football Association or the Football Association of Wales for a period, continuous or not, of three Seasons or 36 months prior to his 21st birthday (or the end of the Season during which he turns 21) and for the purposes of this definition of “Home Grown Player” a Season will be deemed to commence on the date on which the first Transfer Window closes and expire on the date of the final League Match of the Season;