发自虎扑WindowsPhone客户端作者: 谁与共饮不器 时间: 2015-1-19 14:09
桑蒂.在生活中总是在逗比.卡索拉作者: Curryarch 时间: 2015-1-20 10:58
桑蒂.让厄齐尔没出场机会.卡索拉上一次客场赢top four切尔西5-3那次,范佩西还帽子戏法了...希望继续保持势头
"It"s very important for him to be in the middle. It"s a different story when you have to play out wide. I don"t think he has the body or the leg work to be out there.
"Once you"re in the middle and you"re not far from everybody in terms of pressure, he can do that all day."