[–]Barnet yeehe 174 指標默特萨克怎么又给人家闪道了?
What the fuck is Mertesacker doing ducking out of the way again
[–]kippsta17 87 指標 如果当时他没有闪的话,可能这个球的结果就不会是这个样子了。对他非常失望,你看其他阿森纳球员的反应也能看出他们对默特萨克的失望。作为领袖... If he jumps there, that doesn"t go in for a variety of reasons. Very disappointed with him, you can tell the other arsenal players are too by their reaction towards him. Some leader...
[–]Barnet yeehe 49 指標 这真的不是第一次了,本赛季这已经是第三或者第四回了吧。而且我非常讨厌他自己出现失误时,却又指责队友的样子。 Not even the first time, either. This must be the third or fourth time this season already. And I hate the way he starts blaming everyone else when it was his fault
[–]Greece this_guy_says 14 指標 看起来似乎他是听到队友的呼喊后,配合让开的,所以他才在失球后那么愤怒。换做是谁碰上这茬事都会像他一样生气的。 Looks as if he was called off going for it which would explain why he was pissed. Could"ve also been anyone who yelled.
[–]Dundee United dufcdarren 是的,钱伯斯呼喊默特萨克由他来清理这个空中球。但问题在于钱伯斯的位置不佳,如果默特萨克没有停步而继续起跳的话,他本可以防止这个失球发生的。 Yeah, the other defender behind Skrtel called for it and challenged.
Problem is he was in a terrible position to challenge, had Mertesacker jumped, he"d probably have stopped it.
[–]Botswana Meat Commission nesgoth 钱伯斯让他闪开的。这就是他生气的原因。不然他无论如何也不该这样闪开的。 Number 21 probably called him off. That"s why he"s so pissed. No way he"s ducking there without a reason.
[–]Stoke Citysam3123 5 指標 即使有人喊,默特萨克也应该自己把危险清理掉。他是队长,他应该承担起这责任。 Even with the call, Mertesacker should get rid. He"s the captain, he should assume some responsibility.
[–]Botswana Meat Commissionnesgoth 7 指標 当你听到身后的队友喊你,你应该配合他,因为他拥有更好的视角,对情形的了解要好于你。这个失球中,默特萨克并不知道做出呼喊的钱伯斯的位置不佳。 When you hear your teammate call it behind your back, you always let it to him, he"s got a better view of the situation. He didn"t know that Chambers was nowhere near the ball.
[–]ChelseaDrCrazyFishMan1 12 指標 不,我不这么认为。你该承担自己的责任,把自己防区内的危险全部清除。当有这样危险的传中过来的时候,千万不该把球放过,哪怕是有人在后面喊你,你能解除的危险就该由你来承担,尤其是比赛还有1分钟就要结束的时候。 no you don"t. sometimes you take responsibility and just clear your lines. When a ball comes in like that it makes absolutely no sense to leave the ball to be cleared by the man who called it when you can clear it yourself, especially when you are defending a 1 goal lead at anfield with 1 minute to go