有些团迷确实不错,有些就跟西媒一样就是个玻璃心,还真以为阿隆索没事干专门来说那个北欧小将,也就是三下乡的时候有球迷问到随口问答了一下就被当成了新闻。另外这个LZ翻译也有点挑事赚口水的嫌疑,我到另外一个英文媒体上看到他的原话““He’s gone to a great club. At this age, playing should be the priority, it’s really difficult in the big clubs among those that can be chosen. At 18, I decided to take a step back and sign for a club in the Segunda, but it was there that I got minutes and evolved as a player. It’s a step that I’d advise all young players to take.”"The quality of life in Bavaria is great. We’re very comfortable, my family and I were welcomed wonderfully.”作者: 红衫的便当 时间: 2015-1-25 21:14
我通读了龙哥的话几遍愣是没找到掐点……我真是太迟钝了作者: grace250 时间: 2015-1-25 21:53
宅这里用得好啊~~宅吧宅吧作者: yaki 时间: 2015-1-25 22:09
龙哥对这样的逗比风冬歇季送温暖热身赛三下乡走基层俱乐部还满意吗~~~作者: norisa 时间: 2015-1-25 22:24
阿隆索说的是实话,年纪轻轻得有稳定的出场机会来积累经验,无论是竞技方面的还是心理素质方面的。作者: kirakirak 时间: 2015-1-25 23:10
某人和小朋友促膝长谈比较两边青训的楼瞬间在话题区就被转水了呢,怪只怪慕尼黑警方不给力作者: 澡盆叔 时间: 2015-1-25 23:29 引用19楼 @kirakirak 发表的:
作者: 只是久 时间: 2015-1-26 15:23 引用14楼 @Ilovejurgen 发表的:
有些团迷确实不错,有些就跟西媒一样就是个玻璃心,还真以为阿隆索没事干专门来说那个北欧小将,也就是三下乡的时候有球迷问到随口问答了一下就被当成了新闻。另外这个LZ翻译也有点挑事赚口水的嫌疑,我到另外一个英文媒体上看到他的原话““He’s gone to a great club. At this age, playing should be the priority, it’s really difficult in the big clubs among those that can be chosen. At 18, I decided to take a step back and sign for a club in the Segunda, but it was there that I got minutes and evolved as a player. It’s a step that I’d advise all young players to take.”"The quality of life in Bavaria is great. We’re very comfortable, my family and I were welcomed wonderfully.”