车蜜看不起他的挺多的,应该不是吧。可能是贴吧传的,毕竟那时候下家没有定,到处都有绯闻。作者: 沉默的猫儿 时间: 2015-1-13 23:30 引用38楼 @饭昭昭 发表的:
瓜瓜在巴萨告别仪式放的也是Viva la vida 找他过去的视频 那音乐配上诺坎普的球迷 确实很燃
诺坎普还给他放过fix you
联想一下歌词 I see a stream down your face, I promise you I will learn from all my mistakes
Lights will guide you home,and ignite your bones,and I will try to fix you.作者: 饭昭昭 时间: 2015-1-13 23:38 引用42楼 @沉默的猫儿 发表的:
诺坎普还给他放过fix you
联想一下歌词 I see a stream down your face, I promise you I will learn from all my mistakes
Lights will guide you home,and ignite your bones,and I will try to fix you.
传记里还提到另一首告别仪式上的歌,是加泰语的,叫Que tinguem sort,第一段译成英文是:If you say goodbye to me, I hope the day is clean and clear, that no bird breaks the harmony of its song. I hope you are lucky and that you find what you have been missing with me …
歌的选择都好用心啊,包括viva la vida,歌词都很贴切旋律也和那个时候的气氛很相称。
以及感谢前来给我科普的各位……被自家主教练洗脑的感觉真好w 作者: 陆莞 时间: 2015-1-14 01:09
所以说从来就没什么女神,一直就是神经作者: 萧萧又瑟瑟 时间: 2015-1-14 08:24 引用42楼 @沉默的猫儿 发表的:
诺坎普还给他放过fix you
联想一下歌词 I see a stream down your face, I promise you I will learn from all my mistakes
Lights will guide you home,and ignite your bones,and I will try to fix you.