瓦尔加在微博中说道:“非常荣幸受邀观看2017“鲁能-潍坊杯”国际青年足球邀请赛决赛并担任颁奖嘉宾。这是亚洲地区唯一常年举办、连续性最强的国际青年传统赛事,要打造中国规模最大、水平最高,且在国际上具有较高知名度的品牌赛事。Very honored to be invited to watch the final match of 2017 Weifang Cup International Youth Football Tournament and to be the award presenter. It is the only international youth tradition event that has been held continuously in Asia, the largest youth football tournament in highest level in China and famous brand of youth football tournament all over the world.”