你说得对,不过为啥不能YY我们自己欧联夺冠呢?作者: 阿维拉山 时间: 2015-2-27 11:56
It is understood that Europa League winners and Champions League winners will no longer take a place from the domestic leagues if they finish outside the Champions League qualifying spots.
就是说,通过欧联或欧冠冠军拿到的下赛季欧冠名额,不占用本国联赛的名额。 作者: 阿维拉山 时间: 2015-2-27 11:58
The new ruling will mean that England could have five Champions League places from 2015-16 if one of its clubs lifts the Europa League in 2015 and finishes outside the top four. 作者: 好大的国际 时间: 2015-2-27 11:59
如果尤文夺欧冠,罗马夺欧联呢,这会是什么情况?作者: 阿维拉山 时间: 2015-2-27 12:01
,只是帮我纯再找出第三条路进欧冠。希望一路上不要抽到罗马和那不勒斯,也希望这两欧联一路走好,哈哈 作者: 丹尼埃莱 时间: 2015-2-27 12:02
“if they finish outside the Champions League qualifying spots.”
罗马拿波里如果在前三,又拿了欧联冠军。国米一样拿不到欧冠资格。作者: TroyRichard 时间: 2015-2-27 12:03
看来决赛遇到这两是最佳选择。作者: TroyRichard 时间: 2015-2-27 12:04
The new ruling will mean that England could have five Champions League places from 2015-16 if one of its clubs lifts the Europa League in 2015 and finishes outside the top four.
这句话直接打破幻想了,所以还是两条路……作者: 阿维拉山 时间: 2015-2-27 12:05 引用4楼 @好大的国际 发表的:
老妇拿欧冠几无可能作者: mark619 时间: 2015-2-27 12:34
问题是那些英文也可能跟我们一样样的。。。都是不清楚规则,各种自说自唱。。。作者: hero360 时间: 2015-2-27 12:56 引用6楼 @丹尼埃莱 发表的:
“if they finish outside the Champions League qualifying spots.”
那就YY你纯和紫百合拿欧联吧作者: hero360 时间: 2015-2-27 14:04
意思就是要么欧联冠军,要么前三 作者: delphi8850702 时间: 2015-2-27 14:11
连胜百合,拿波里,指望都灵逼迫拿波里,这样只是差五分,还有机会作者: delphi8850702 时间: 2015-2-27 14:22 引用6楼 @丹尼埃莱 发表的:
“if they finish outside the Champions League qualifying spots.”