Reddit球迷john87000:奥斯卡这个倒地太风骚了,简直像是被打晕了一样。(Love how he falls as if he's been knocked out cold.)
Reddit球迷william701:人如其名。(Living up to his name.)
Twitter球迷Fasih:奥斯卡这个名字实在是太准确了。(Oscar has never been more accurate in his career.)
Twitter球迷Graham Smith:如果奥斯卡把球踢到人身上,都能在中超引发一场30人的冲突……想想科斯塔能造成多大的混乱吧!(If Oscar can start a 30 man brawl in CSL by kicking the ball at a player imagine what a world class piss boiler like Diego Costa could do)
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Twitter球迷Fionn Mulvihill:看来奥斯卡在中超适应的很好嘛。(Good to see Oscar settling in well to the Chinese Super League)
Twitter球迷Paul J Machin:当你把所有的钱花在奥斯卡和胡尔克身上时,你只能让球衣管理员去客串门将了……(When you spend all your money on Hulk and Oscar so end up with the kit man in goal... )