提到炸鸡,为何不上卧虎最爱?作者: superlaz 时间: 2014-7-1 10:02
前排接卡!作者: 风一更 时间: 2014-7-1 10:06
首页留名~~~~forza Milan作者: oreobama 时间: 2014-7-1 10:09
前排 茄子 作者: X新人类 时间: 2014-7-1 10:10
forza Milan!作者: 古北磊少3 时间: 2014-7-1 10:12
前排留名。。。作者: 姆巴也娘 时间: 2014-7-1 10:12
FORZA MILAN!!!!作者: fatgeng 时间: 2014-7-1 10:13
米兰加油!保级成功~~~作者: 水之境 时间: 2014-7-1 10:13
卡卡走了,蒙老师和德容伤了,前后腰看能来谁吧 作者: mikedallas 时间: 2014-7-1 10:19
坐等新卡到来作者: 方悦2326 时间: 2014-7-1 10:23
Juventus will meet with Verona tomorrow (Tuesday) to talk about Iturbe. Galliani is expected to meet with Verona on Wednesday.
尤文将在明天(周二)与维罗纳商谈伊图尔贝,加利亚尼则会在周三出马。作者: 方悦2326 时间: 2014-7-1 10:24
GdS reports that Saponara will stay at Milan. Inzaghi is planning on using him in the 3-man midfield until Montolivo returns.
米体报道萨博纳拉会留队。因扎吉准备在没有蒙托利沃的日子里尝试让他打三中场的一个位置。作者: 方悦2326 时间: 2014-7-1 10:26
The contracts of Amelia, Coppola and Emanuelson have now expired. The loan contracts of Silvestre, Rami and Taarabt have also expired.
阿梅利亚、科波拉和艾玛努尔森合同到期。西尔维斯特雷、拉米和塔拉布特的租借合同也到期了。作者: 方悦2326 时间: 2014-7-1 10:26
The 2014 summer transfer window is now officially open. It will close on September 1 at 23:00 CET for the Italian clubs.
转会窗口今天开启,并会在9月1日结束。作者: taoch 时间: 2014-7-1 10:27
首页!!新的开始,求好运!作者: milani 时间: 2014-7-1 10:28
FORZA 我毛作者: 方悦2326 时间: 2014-7-1 10:28
De Jong will undergo an MRI scan tomorrow to determine the extent of his injury. He"s expected to be out for the rest of the #WorldCup.
德容将在明天接受核磁共振检查,预计他的世界杯已然结束。作者: taoch 时间: 2014-7-1 10:28 引用21楼 @taoch 发表的:
。。。想了下码什么字,就落出首页了……作者: 方悦2326 时间: 2014-7-1 10:29
Milan Channel reports that Inzaghi has decided that 4-3-3 will be the primary formation next season. #ForzaMilan
米兰频道报道因扎吉已经决定新赛季使用433阵型。作者: 方悦2326 时间: 2014-7-1 10:32
CdS are now also reporting that Milan are considering to sign Pablo Armero from Udinese.
CdS also mentions that Milan could try to include Constant in the deal for Armero
米体报道米兰正在考虑从乌迪内斯签下阿尔梅洛。康斯坦特可能会加入到转会中去。作者: 方悦2326 时间: 2014-7-1 10:34
Galliani has dismissed the reports about Manchester United wanting to sign De Jong.
加利亚尼已经否决了曼联就德容的报价。作者: 方悦2326 时间: 2014-7-1 10:35
Milan are in talks with Chievo regarding Valter Birsa. They want to loan the player.
米兰正在和切沃商谈比尔萨,飞驴希望租借这名中场。作者: 方悦2326 时间: 2014-7-1 10:36
Former Milan director Ariedo Braida is set to leave Sampdoria. Cagliari and Palermo are interested in hiring him
前米兰体育总监已经准备离开桑普多利亚。卡利亚里和巴勒莫都有意招揽他。作者: forever红黑 时间: 2014-7-1 10:37
佩杜利亚:伊图尔贝准备去米兰了作者: 方悦2326 时间: 2014-7-1 10:38
Zaccardo will earn 作者: 方悦2326 时间: 2014-7-1 10:39 引用30楼 @forever红黑 发表的:
你只要不长时间失踪是可以完成的 作者: 方悦2326 时间: 2014-7-1 10:42
GdS are also reporting that Lazio are interested in signing Agazzi.
米体报道蓝鹰有意签下阿加齐。作者: kofizhao 时间: 2014-7-1 10:43 引用35楼 @方悦2326 发表的:
GdS are also reporting that Lazio are interested in signing Agazzi.
林荣福收购瓦伦西亚好像在周四结束,随后布隆泽蒂就会和瓦伦西亚谈拉米的转会作者: 轻轻一刀! 时间: 2014-7-1 11:51 引用18楼 @方悦2326 发表的:
GdS reports that Saponara will stay at Milan. Inzaghi is planning on using him in the 3-man midfield until Montolivo returns.
续约 还是去土耳其?作者: MornJ 时间: 2014-7-1 12:40 引用23楼 @方悦2326 发表的:
De Jong will undergo an MRI scan tomorrow to determine the extent of his injury. He"s expected to be out for the rest of the #WorldCup.
这下我大荷兰走不远了啊 作者: lynn981221 时间: 2014-7-1 12:42
(这中场的坑不知道能弄个人来填不作者: catenarygong 时间: 2014-7-1 12:54
发自虎扑WindowsPhone客户端作者: molding 时间: 2014-7-1 13:03
四环留名。看背锅匠因少帅了。作者: 炸鸡的信徒 时间: 2014-7-1 13:04
法老加油,我们看好你哟作者: 方悦2326 时间: 2014-7-1 13:07
Milan are ready to fund the deal by selling either Antonio Nocerino (just back from a loan spell at West Ham) or Michael Essien.
米兰正在寻找机会出售诺切里诺和埃辛。作者: wolf51983 时间: 2014-7-1 13:10
占位刘明,坐等家兔开讲故事会作者: 方悦2326 时间: 2014-7-1 13:12
Italy Must Show Faith In New Faces To Become Great Again
Goalkeepers:Salvatore Sirigu;Mattia Perin;Antonio Mirante;Francesco Bardi
Defence:Nicola Murru;Luca Caldirola;Angelo Ogbonna;Daniele Rugani
Midfield:Marco Verratti;Alessandro Florenzi;Andrea Poli;Jorginho;Andrea Bertolacci;Giacomo Bonaventur
Attack:Giuseppe Rossi;Mario Balotelli;Stefan El Shaarawy;Domenico Berardi;Simone Zaza;Nicola Sansone作者: kakaxi1899 时间: 2014-7-1 13:13
给老子来桶炸鸡 作者: 方悦2326 时间: 2014-7-1 13:14
Napoli are ready to sell midfielder Blerim Dzemaili to rivals AC Milan if they are prepared to pay his 作者: 方悦2326 时间: 2014-7-1 13:15 引用60楼 @就是hh 发表的:
续约 还是去土耳其?
去年范加尔用了一年时间定下来的中场主力三人组全部因伤退出世界杯了… 作者: 李瀚思 时间: 2014-7-1 13:54
我靠。。这么快就这么多人占楼了!!!作者: sandrowy 时间: 2014-7-1 14:01
agazzi到底是怎么回事?太年轻要租出去锻炼吗? 作者: 就是hh 时间: 2014-7-1 14:09 引用66楼 @方悦2326 发表的:
Milan are ready to fund the deal by selling either Antonio Nocerino (just back from a loan spell at West Ham) or Michael Essien.
诺切里诺前两天还传言去都灵 只是9爷想留夏训看看状态才又停 变脸也太快了吧 至于埃辛这货 肯定没人要 乖乖拿600万欧来养到明年到期吧作者: 我就是个宅 时间: 2014-7-1 14:40
占个楼,坐看切。。。。。。作者: Cantata 时间: 2014-7-1 14:48
来自 Zen For Android作者: boxster2000 时间: 2014-7-1 14:57
也没有好消息来庆祝一下作者: 夏立未满 时间: 2014-7-1 15:17 引用70楼 @方悦2326 发表的:
Napoli are ready to sell midfielder Blerim Dzemaili to rivals AC Milan if they are prepared to pay his
这合同都快到期了,加秃还会给你掏钱?别做梦了。作者: 芝麻西瓜 时间: 2014-7-1 15:18
新楼么么哒作者: 方悦2326 时间: 2014-7-1 15:37
Mexes has agreed to spread his wages over the next 2 years, but the financial agreement is still missing, though. [GdS]
梅克斯已经同意续约至2016,但是薪金尚未谈拢(米体)作者: mikedallas 时间: 2014-7-1 15:38
扯下楼上淡淡的忧伤作者: 骂人专用马甲 时间: 2014-7-1 15:41
诺天王,梅克斯,娜拉都有可能留队,或者至少夏季热身之后再处理。娜拉没问题,恩波利估计会等。另外两个留队就不划算了,直接锁死了空间。梅花留队的唯一意义在于 萨帕塔世界杯后可能会有高的报价而被卖。其他想不到任何理由该留队,这种竞技水平意甲中下游50w年薪的中后卫一抓一大把,再降薪也到不了这水平,降到2m年薪对大多数意甲而言还是顶薪了作者: mkuraki 时间: 2014-7-1 15:46
当时签爱心真是脑子拌屎了……希望真核德容没事作者: 方悦2326 时间: 2014-7-1 15:49
The Trofeo Berlusconi will most likely be cancelled as Juventus will be on tour abroad in August.
Milan could participate in a tournament in Spain in August instead of playing in the Trofeo Berlusconi.
米兰方面可能会选择前往西班牙参加一场热身赛来顶替贝鲁斯科尼杯。作者: 米米雕 时间: 2014-7-1 15:58
这楼盖的太快了作者: 方悦2326 时间: 2014-7-1 16:02
The friendly match against Monza will take place on July 20 at 18:00 CET at the Brianteo stadium.
与蒙扎的友谊赛将于当地时间在7月20日晚18:00在Brianteo球场进行。作者: Milanmania 时间: 2014-7-1 16:05 引用85楼 @mkuraki 发表的:
埃辛是西多夫点名的作者: 米米雕 时间: 2014-7-1 16:05 引用88楼 @方悦2326 发表的:
The friendly match against Monza will take place on July 20 at 18:00 CET at the Brianteo stadium.
去年卖了作者: 米米雕 时间: 2014-7-1 16:23
加8去蒙扎炼级啦?作者: 方悦2326 时间: 2014-7-1 16:25
Continua la sfida tra Milan e Juventus per Juan Manuel Iturbe: il giocatore argentino piace tanto ad entrambe le squadre, che sono pronte a soddisfare quasi completamente le richieste del Verona. La società veneta chiede 30 milioni di euro, ma sarebbe pronta ad abbassare le proprie pretese a 27 milioni, cifra comunque molto alta, soprattutto per i club italiani.
SPRINT JUVE - Come riferisce l’edizione odierna della Gazzetta dello Sport, per oggi è previsto un incontro a Milano tra l’ad bianconero Marotta, il ds juventino Paratici e quello del Verona Sogliano proprio per parlare di Iturbe. La Juventus vuole capire se l’offerta di 21 milioni di euro più una contropartita tecnica (Quagliarella o Peluso) può soddisfare i veneti e se ci sia la possibilità di chiudere in tempi brevi.
C’E’ ANCHE IL MILAN - Anche il Milan continua comunque a seguire con grande interesse Iturbe che piace particolarmente a Filippo Inzaghi. Ora che c’è stata la partenza di Kakà, anche i rossoneri potrebbero uscire allo scoperto: secondo la Gazzetta, infatti, non ci sarebbe da stupirsi se oggi Sogliano, dopo la Juventus, incontrasse anche Adriano Galliani, che nelle ultime settimane ha avuto diversi contatti sia con il ds del Verona che con gli agenti dell’attaccante argentino. La partita a scacchi tra rossoneri e bianconeri entra dunque nel vivo: chi la spunterà alla fine?
米兰方面加利亚尼将在明天与维罗纳的人会面。作者: kakaleehom 时间: 2014-7-1 16:25
中场缺人,所以想留诺天王看看吗,这个可以理解,拉米能搞定的话,梅克斯就算了,之前米兰报250万貌似梅花都不接受作者: 方悦2326 时间: 2014-7-1 16:38
The deal with Juventus expired and the Trofeo Berlusconi will be played during the season with another top club
甘帝尼:与尤文的贝卢斯科尼杯的确告吹了,但是米兰会在赛季中与另一家豪门进行贝卢斯科尼杯。作者: Milanmania 时间: 2014-7-1 16:40
2700万可以买桑切斯了,踢了一个赛季的年轻人真这么牛?作者: kakakakajiu 时间: 2014-7-1 16:41 引用97楼 @方悦2326 发表的:
The deal with Juventus expired and the Trofeo Berlusconi will be played during the season with another top club