where can we find live update on this...作者: 刘赟 时间: 2015-3-23 23:10
这些年的损失不是4个亿能弥补的,现在就想要冠军和道歉。作者: troubleo 时间: 2015-3-23 23:49 引用19楼 @yes1116 发表的:
where can we find live update on this...
看了下之前几条,And on the two Serie A titles taken away from Juventus: " The judgments have said that the Championship 2004-2005 is regular and that there was no advantage built for Juventus. So, Juventus is absolutely right to demand the return of those two Serie A titles. "作者: lzj19891989 时间: 2015-3-24 05:08 引用57楼 @yes1116 发表的:
看了下之前几条,And on the two Serie A titles taken away from Juventus: " The judgments have said that the Championship 2004-2005 is regular and that there was no advantage built for Juventus. So, Juventus is absolutely right to demand the return of those two Serie A titles. "
岂不是有戏作者: troubleo 时间: 2015-3-24 05:11 引用57楼 @yes1116 发表的:
看了下之前几条,And on the two Serie A titles taken away from Juventus: " The judgments have said that the Championship 2004-2005 is regular and that there was no advantage built for Juventus. So, Juventus is absolutely right to demand the return of those two Serie A titles. "
啥消息也没有,法官不出来作者: troubleo 时间: 2015-3-24 06:50
有消息说可能明天公布。陪审团还在讨论。作者: bailoushang 时间: 2015-3-24 07:13
陪审团没有达成一致么 作者: Chao0213 时间: 2015-3-24 07:20
现在还没结果,还得等。作者: 大忍成佛 时间: 2015-3-24 07:22
发自虎扑WindowsPhone客户端作者: yes1116 时间: 2015-3-24 07:22
The judges of the Third Criminal Chamber of the Supreme Court in Rome are in five hours in closed session. The intersection is always the same: prescription or cancellation? For now we do not know how long you must wait.作者: Chao0213 时间: 2015-3-24 07:24
M D,结果要是翻身了,非得弄个翻案的帖子在妇区置顶5年。作者: 金妍儿 时间: 2015-3-24 07:32
阿哈哈,莫非要有戏?帕尔码破产听证会10分钟就完事宣布,这边等了这么久,是不是有惊喜? 作者: 桉树爱考拉 时间: 2015-3-24 08:03
估计各方利益集团在激烈的博弈,肯定要和稀泥,出现什么结果都不意外作者: troubleo 时间: 2015-3-24 08:13 引用76楼 @金妍儿 发表的:
法官们和陪审团在激烈的讨论着,是先有鸡呢?还是先有蛋呢?作者: 影过 时间: 2015-3-24 08:19
欧洲天朝的法律会怎么样呢 作者: lucifer99 时间: 2015-3-24 08:21
结果很可能是个和稀泥的结果:莫吉等人撤销一部分罪名指控,减刑或免于处罚,但是大方向维持原判作者: yes1116 时间: 2015-3-24 08:22
HOURS 1:05 - The Court finally entered the classroom作者: yes1116 时间: 2015-3-24 08:25
HOURS 1:22 - Judgments: Moggi prescribed for criminal conspiracy and acquitted of two fraud. Referees acquitted, except De Santis and Racalbuto for which the sentence is confirmed. Giraudo prescribed for sporting fraud. (News from twitter profile Guido Vaciago, Tuttosport)作者: troubleo 时间: 2015-3-24 08:28
莫吉两项欺诈洗清,裁判组除了德桑蒂斯和拉卡尔布托之外,也洗清。吉拉乌多的体育欺诈洗清作者: yes1116 时间: 2015-3-24 08:30 引用83楼 @troubleo 发表的:
莫吉的criminal conspiracy和吉拉乌多的sporting fraud作者: yes1116 时间: 2015-3-24 08:37
吉拉乌多被判应该代表没有太大指望了吧……作者: lucifer99 时间: 2015-3-24 08:38
这样也好,唯一的问题是那两个冠军要不回来了。所谓赔款本来就不可能,逼急了直接足协破产重组就行了。那就是自绝于呆梨了作者: Chao0213 时间: 2015-3-24 08:39
看贴吧里的意思,好像还是跪了。吉拉乌多判体育欺诈,莫吉判同谋但是洗清两项欺诈,裁判员de santis和racalbuto维持原判,其他裁判员罪名洗清。作者: yes1116 时间: 2015-3-24 08:40
ROME - At one o"clock has dissolved the council chamber and the judges of the Third Criminal Chamber of the Supreme Court began to read the device. Moggi prescribed for the charge of conspiracy, while the sentence is canceled for two sports fraud poerché the crime does not exist. Giraudo prescribed for criminal conspiracy. Bertini, Dattilo and Mazzei acquitted because the crime does not exist. Rejection of the appeal De Santis and Racalbuto for which the sentence is confirmed. Inadmissible the civil reparations. Civil court judge responsible for possible compensation of the FIGC.
LONG DAY - Nearly six hours of deliberation, started around 19:15 and ended at one o"clock. It was not an easy decision for giodici of the third section. In the morning the attorney general Gabriele Mazzotta had asked for absolution Bertini and Dattilo, two of the three referees who had given up the prescription, and also for the designator of the linesman Mazzei. He had also rejected the appeal of the Prosecutor of Naples who had applied for an order of Pieri, Dondarini and Rocchi (already acquitted on appeal). Request ratified by the Court which held up the theory of the association, however, stripping it of more affiliates (Mazzei, Bertini and Dattilo).
AND THEN? - In short, the impression remains of an association that is not ... able to commit a crime. Because without referees as you alter the results of matches? And the referees at the end there are only two: De Santis and Racalbuto. A little "little, because the acquittals of the other whistles have further reduced fraud. It was not until the reasons (a few months) and analysis of the day after (a few hours) to get an overview. The impression is that, at this point, the Dome moggiana, grandiose construction of judicial architecture in 2006, will end up looking like a ruined building, which has lost over the years and brick lintels. Of Calciopoli in 2006 are the remains and convictions that, in light of what has emerged in recent years, a little squeak ". But it certainly does not end here, because by this time could be part of the scene Sports Justice: Juventus ready recourse to Article 39 for review and the acquittals of the Supreme Court are other bullets for his cartridge belt.作者: bailoushang 时间: 2015-3-24 08:41 引用84楼 @yes1116 发表的: