Yet Giovinco reveals he had been ready to sign on for many more years at Juventus, but Max Allegri put the brakes on.
“The renewal was close, then there was silence with me while the club told my agent that the Coach had other ideas. Allegri never said anything to me. Ever. He is a good Coach, the results are with him, but everyone has their own methods.”
续约差不多达成一致了,乔帝其实对具体数字并不敏感,只不过囧觉得乔帝并不在他的计划中,这时候又来了多伦多的offer,而且多伦多那边失去迪福以后急于找一个替代者,经理飞到都灵来谈判,又给乔帝十号球衣并且保证核心的位置,再加上天价工资,乔帝自然而然的做出选择,其实从俱乐部没有为难乔帝同意冬窗直接放人也能看出双方关系并不差,也算是和平分手作者: 因莫比莱 时间: 2015-2-8 00:45
只能说明当时把乔帝买回来是个错误,无论是孔蒂还是阿莱格里,都对乔帝的使用方面束手无策。。。。作者: 巨大的坑 时间: 2015-2-8 01:34 引用3楼 @托斯卡尼尼 发表的: