这样一来,巴萨的反击变得更加有利,中路的优势也更加巨大。这也是为什么,曼城和巴黎这两支豪门球队,在巴萨面前毫无抵抗能力的原因。因为他们不具备强势的边路(巴黎是布兰科自己放弃),而中路的斗争中,巴萨占据优势已经不再是会让人感到惊讶的事情了吧。 欧冠4强的抽签,巴萨遇到了要回娘家的瓜迪奥拉。我也会在周中,争取就巴萨和拜仁的比赛,写出一篇前瞻,以供大家参考。
by Enrique ot el camp 体育场内es un clam 群情激昂som la gent Blau Grana 我们是红蓝色的信徒 Tan se val d"on venim 无论你来自何方 Si del sud o del nord 不分南还是北 ara estem d"acord,estem d"acord 我们都有着共同的信仰 una bandera ens agermana. 在红蓝色的旗帜下我们亲如兄弟Blau Grana al vent 红蓝色的旗帜迎风招展 un crit valent 呐喊的声音惊天动地 tenim un nom,el sap tothom 我们拥有者威震寰宇的名字 BARCA, BARCA, BARCA. 巴萨!!!巴萨!!!巴萨!!! barca队歌 Jugadors 勇士们Seguidors 信徒们tots unit fem forca 我们团结起来并肩作战 son molts d"anys plens d"afanys 多年来我们荣誉与共son molts gols que hem cridat 我们为了你们的进球而疯狂i s"ha demostrat,s"ha demostrat 这就是我们的意义que mai ningú no ens podrà tòrcer 没有人会将我们打垮Blau Grana al vent 红蓝色的旗帜迎风招展 un crit valent 呐喊的声音惊天动地 tenim un nom ,el sap tothom 我们拥有者威震寰宇的名字 BARCA, BARCA, BARCA 巴萨!!!巴萨!!!巴萨!!!
http://www.fcbarcelona.com/club/identity/detail/card/anthemEl cant del Bar?aThe whole stadium
Roars with one voice,
We all wear blue and scarlet;
Wherever we are from,
From the south or from the north,
Now we all agree, we all agree,
One flag seals our brotherhood:
Blue and scarlet in the wind,
Our cry is bold,
We have a name,
That everyone knows:
Bar?a, Bar?a, Bar?a!
Together we are strong;
And after many years of struggle,
And many goals we’ve cheered,
We’ve shown them all, we’ve shown them all,
That we can never be defeated:
Blue and scarlet in the wind,
Our cry is bold,
We have a name,
That everyone knows:
Bar?a, Bar?a, Bar?a!
http://www.fcbarcelona.com/club/identity/detail/card/anthemEl cant del Bar?aThe whole stadium
Roars with one voice,
We all wear blue and scarlet;
Wherever we are from,
From the south or from the north,
Now we all agree, we all agree,
One flag seals our brotherhood:
Blue and scarlet in the wind,
Our cry is bold,
We have a name,
That everyone knows:
Bar?a, Bar?a, Bar?a!
Together we are strong;
And after many years of struggle,
And many goals we’ve cheered,
We’ve shown them all, we’ve shown them all,
That we can never be defeated:
Blue and scarlet in the wind,
Our cry is bold,
We have a name,
That everyone knows:
Bar?a, Bar?a, Bar?a!