我的答案也许是这样的:所有人拥有平等的死亡,但能赋予活着的每一刻各自不同的意义。所有人都立足于相似的虚无,但沉没前能在泥泞中留下更远的脚步。所有人都在这世间受到苦难,但未被痛苦磨灭的就会成为纪念。所有人都化作尘埃,但历史从中劈开通往未来的光路。 相信天才,相信伟大,相信此时此刻的意义,也许这就是莫滕森从梅西身上看到的长夜之光,这让他简直成为了一个无可救药的乐观主义者。 最后,一个拼图,一首歌。Fairh No More的《Epic》,出自专辑《The Real Thing》,它们的名字都若有深意:)http://"
注: 我所查到的,到现在为止,唯一一本由梅西方面出版的梅西书籍,也就是有梅西官方授权的书,就是梅西基金会授权出版的第一本关于梅西的官方书籍: 梅西-选择相信(Messi-Choose to believe),在这本图文书中,以梅西珍藏多年的照片和一幅幅油画讲述了梅西的故事,不过这本书是图文书,也就是文字描述并不很多。相对的这里翻译这本书 "群星闪耀时·梅西",原书就多达600多页,翻译成中文后更是要以上、下两册来呈现,可见内容之丰富和描写之深入。我所看到的书评绝大多数是正面评价的,并且多推荐为: 若想深入了解梅西,那此书为值得一读的梅西传记。
Guillem Balagué, journalist and Catalan author who resides in London, presented the Catalan and Spanish versions of the first authorised biography of Leo Messi this Thursday at the Casa del Libro in Barcelona. The 600-page account covers and analyses the successes of the FC Barcelona forward as told by individuals close to the Argentinian and testimony from those who have followed his career.
来源:巴萨官网,The first authorised biography of Leo Messi is released in Catalan and Spanish
[I]Guillem Balagué, journalist and Catalan author who resides in London, presented the Catalan and Spanish versions of the[B] first authorised biography of Leo Messi [/B]this Thursday at the Casa del Libro in Barcelona. The 600-page account covers and analyses the successes of the FC Barcelona forward as told by individuals close to the Argentinian and testimony from those who have followed his career.
来源:巴萨官网,[I]The first authorised biography of Leo Messi is released in Catalan and Spanish
单就巴萨官网那条新闻里“presented the Catalan and Spanish versions of the first authorised biography of Leo Messi this Thursday at the Casa del Libro in Barcelona”这句话看来,英文版即是已经得到授权了的。更具体的情况,恐怕只能找作者亲询了:)
发自legendlee的HupuChrome作者: jschen 时间: 2015-3-16 05:31 引用38楼 @AllenSea 发表的:
单就巴萨官网那条新闻里“presented the Catalan and Spanish versions of the first authorised biography of Leo Messi this Thursday at the Casa del Libro in Barcelona”这句话看来,英文版即是已经得到授权了的。更具体的情况,恐怕只能找作者亲询了:)