
标题: [欧冠传声筒]马德里德比肘击比射正多,小豌豆绝杀奥莱叹投对胎 [打印本页]

作者: AlanWake44    时间: 2015-4-23 08:34
标题: [欧冠传声筒]马德里德比肘击比射正多,小豌豆绝杀奥莱叹投对胎
[欧冠传声筒]马德里德比肘击比射正多,小豌豆绝杀奥莱叹投对胎  由 AlanWake44 发表
ON: 摩纳哥 0-0(总比分:0-1) 尤文                                                            

[–]【England】HMSInvincible 80 points 2 hours ago Average age:Monaco - 25Juventus - 31平均年龄:摩纳哥 - 25尤文图斯 - 31
[–]【Juventus】jelezsoccer 28 points 2 hours ago Is that full squad or people on the field?全队的还是场上球员的?
[–]【England】HMSInvincible 47 points 2 hours ago Starting 11首发
[–]【Juventus】jelezsoccer 35 points 2 hours ago Pirlo + Buffon add a lot since they are both over 35, we"re still old but those two add over a year to the average.皮尔洛+布冯拉高了很多平均年龄,这俩都超过35了。我妇确实很老但这俩差不多拉高了1岁还多。
[–]【Juventus】Aru10 51 points 2 hours ago aside morata the younger are Vidal and Bonucci at 27 and Marchisio at 29we have an old team, deal with it :(除了莫拉塔以外,最年轻的是比达尔和博努奇27岁,还有酱油马29岁我们有支老年队,就这样了 :(
[–]【Juventus】Maluni724 103 points 2 hours ago chiellini needs to stop going full gerrard基耶利尼必须停止杰拉德化啊
[–]nTsplnk 10 points 2 hours ago what happened?怎么了?
[–]【Juventus】Maluni724 68 points 2 hours ago he slipped (again) and used his hand like a real goalkeeper to take away a chance lol他(又)滑倒了然后用手像门将一样阻止了对手一次得分机会哈哈哈
[–]【Tottenham Hotspur】NatrolleonBonaparte 82 points an hour ago The greatest challenge there is in football...playing an Italian team that only needs a draw.足球界最困难的挑战……如果搞定一支只求平局的意大利球队。
[–]SkullKM 29 points an hour ago Klopp learned the hard way克洛普就被焦作人了
ON: 皇马 1-0(总比分:1-0) 马竞

[–]【Manchester United】xkufix 228 points 3 hours ago So far I"ve seen five elbows to faces and zero shots on goal. I"m definitely watching a Madrid derby.我已经看到5次肘击直中面门,0次射门射正球门。我绝壁是在看马德里德比。
[–]【Tottenham Hotspur】yaniv297 81 points 3 hours ago Referee: Dr. Felix BrychIs the ref seriously a doctor?裁判:菲力士-布里希博士这裁判真的是博士?
[–]【Eintracht Frankfurt】xepa105 85 points 3 hours ago Yup. A German lawyer.是的。一位德国律师。
[–]【Liverpool】Thesolly180 34 points 3 hours ago The finest of doctor!最屌的博士学位呢!
[–]【Manchester City】Itsjofa 40 points 3 hours ago "Outside of football, Brych is a qualified doctor of law, having written his doctorate about sports."“在足球以外的世界里,布里希是一位法学博士,他的博士论文写的是体育。”
[–]【Borussia Dortmund】Alpha-Bromega 61 points 2 hours ago* Probably Chicharito"s best game with RM. But if he doesn"t score or assists tonight, it really won"t matter in the end.Edit: Might be the best game in Chicharito"s career. #Chichadios可能是小豌豆在皇马最棒的比赛吧。就算他最后没有进球或者助攻,也并不影响他今天的表现。编辑:可能是小豌豆生涯最棒的比赛吧。#豌豆平安
[–]【Real Madrid】reddit809 116 points 2 hours ago* Chicharito reminds me of that friend you have whom his mom doesn"t let out much so he gets way too excited at the party.小豌豆让我想到那种孩子,他妈管的很紧不太让他出门,所以他来趴体的时候玩特别疯。
[–]【Real Madrid】captain_pineapples 182 points 3 hours ago* Hoping for a 93m Chicharito winner which he hits into his face before hitting the net.EDIT: AM I A WIZARD希望小豌豆能93分钟绝杀,球要先碰他脸然后才碰网。编辑:我真是个天才
[–]【Manchester United】thesmallprint13[S] 69 points 3 hours ago haha, thought the "m" initially meant metres哈哈,LS那个m,我原本以为是93米呢
[–]【Arsenal】copinglemon 230 points 3 hours ago Was Ronaldo singing the Champions League anthem? Who does that?是C罗在唱欧冠主题曲吗?到底是谁在唱?(列队播放欧冠主题曲的时候,C罗哼了最后一句“The champions”)
[–]deeconda 172 points 3 hours ago I think he was, that was hilarious to watch, James was just staring at him hahaha我想是他,这个太搞笑了。J罗都看die了哈哈哈
[–]【Real Madrid】StrikerGuy7 100 points 3 hours ago He"s heard it so many times that he probably knows it very well by now.J罗应该听过很多次了,想必他已经习惯了。
[–]【Cheltenham Town】Chesney1995 44 points 2 hours ago Everyone at home when the programme starts on ITV if they"re alone.Don"t lie. You"ve done it too.在家的时候只要电视里在放欧冠节目,身边又没人你肯定也唱过。别东张西望了,说的就是你。
[–]buffalo112 45 points 3 hours ago James looking like "bro wtf"?J罗那表情就好像是“大兄弟你干嘛呢?”
[–]【Leicester City】messy_messiah 155 points 3 hours ago Javier Hernández hair discussion thread这热线已经变成了哈维尔-埃尔南德斯发型讨论专楼了
[–]【Manchester United】small_far_away 93 points 3 hours ago If we are talking hair surely it"s all about Griezmann如果我们是早在讨论发型,那格里兹曼肯定是主角
[–]【United States】tigerking615 12 points 2 hours ago I"m amazed by Sergio Ramos"s hair is intact even after he"s been running around and sweating for a while.我很好奇拉莫斯的头型,无论他怎么跑怎么出汗,他的秀发还是那么整齐。
[–]sasss3825 20 points 3 hours ago I can"t watch it because of shit internet. Is he balding?我网太差没法看,小豌豆是秃头了?
[–]【Barcelona】HippoBigga 36 points 3 hours ago He has a weird style, no longer shaved head.他留了个奇怪的发型,已经不是寸头了。
[–]Allah_Zubbi 105 points 3 hours ago Gif of Oblak in training.奥布拉克训练动图。

[–]【Barcelona】Jagged03 36 points 2 hours ago Chicha played his ass off and was getting the shit kicked out of him by Atletico"s defense the entire time. You played well, bud.豌豆太勤奋到爆,而且全场都被马竞防守的黑脚伺候。小伙子你太棒了。
[–]【Barne】tbja277 55 points 4 hours ago I found it funny that Ronaldo was singing along to the champions league song.哈哈太有意思了C罗自己在那儿唱欧冠主题曲。
[–]【Liverpool】DoubleGuns 52 points 3 hours ago James looked across like...哈梅斯的表情如下……

[–]【England】Yiddo4Lyfe 354 points 5 hours ago I find it hilarious that Madrid paid 40M for Illarramendi but end up using a centre back to play as a holding midfielder lol.发现一件很无语的事,皇马花了4000万买伊拉拉结果却用一个中卫去打拖后中场哈哈哈。
[–]【Real Madrid】cieldarko 136 points 4 hours ago Illarramendi wasn"t worth his price tag, he"s going to probably leave in the summer伊拉拉身价虚高,可能这个夏天就要走人了
[–]【Bayern München】Dictarium 314 points 4 hours ago lol the casual offload of a 40m player, nbd哈哈哈,习惯性的4000万清洗,牛逼的(原意是no big deal,小事而已)
[–]【Barcelona】VOROBI 180 points 4 hours ago You want them to hold on to him even though he"s not good enough just because of his price tag? If you made a mistake you have to get rid not just hope he"ll come good.你希望皇马即便知道他不行还是因为他的身价而窝着他?犯了错就要更正,而不是等着错的变成对的。
[–]【Real Madrid】cieldarko 76 points 4 hours ago Correct正解
[–]【England】HMSInvincible 24 points 4 hours ago Martin Tyler just called him "Hamas Rodriguez"马丁-泰勒刚把勾罗叫成了“哈马斯-罗德里格斯”
[–]【Real Sociedad】pintita 26 points 4 hours ago He"s gonna have hell getting through the airport.他过机场安检的时候要有*河蟹*烦了。(哈马斯是一伊斯兰抵抗运动组织)
[–]【Real Madrid】churrosricos 40 points 3 hours ago Cr7 and Chicha combining well!CR7和豌豆很来电啊!
[–]【Manchester City】dayafterpi 129 points 4 hours ago As a neutral, COME ON MADRID!作为中立球迷,加油马德里!
[–]【Barcelona】zizzor23 102 points 4 hours ago As a neutral, fuck "em both.作为中立球迷,两家都去死。
[–]【Chelsea】DawdlingDaily 57 points 3 hours ago    As a neutral, fuck "em both.looks at flairright   作为中立球迷,两家都去死。看看了队徽毫无违和感
[–]【Manchester United】TyperSniper 97 points 2 hours ago Somewhere in the Norwegian mountains, Ole Gunnar Solskj?r sits in front of a fire with a tear in his eye as he whispers "I am reborn"遥远挪威的一座山上,索尔斯克亚坐在篝火前眼含泪水,轻声说道“投对胎了”
[–]【Chelsea】msbr_ 10 points 2 hours ago Hahaha :)哈哈哈 :)
[–]【Real Madrid】elpezreal 281 points 2 hours ago Chicharito is basically Santiago Munez小豌豆就是圣地亚哥-穆涅斯啊(后者是电影《一球成名》系列的主角)
[–]【Orlando City】sault9 47 points 2 hours ago The first movie was amazing. The second movie was alright. The third movie was absolutely horrendous第一集很赞。第二集还行。第三集简直就是人间惨案。
[–]【Real Madrid】elpezreal 40 points 2 hours ago Never seen the third, never plan to没看过第三集,也没这打算
[–]grztsvfh 254 points 2 hours ago Have to say, Ramos was excellent as a midfield destroyer. Didn"t expect that at all.不得不说,拉莫斯作为中场绞肉机很出色。没想到还能这么玩儿。
[–]【Liverpool】kevin_koehler 145 points 2 hours ago what a semi-final group: bar?a, real madrid, bayern, juve半决赛分组赞啊:巴萨、皇马、拜仁、尤文
[–]【Newcastle United】Velaryon 61 points 2 hours ago Definitely the best teams in Europe right now绝对是当下欧洲最好的球队
[–]【Chelsea】pseudoromantic 83 points 2 hours ago how good is Juve right now? Compared to say Chelsea or Atletico? Honestly havent seen any of their full matches this season.尤文现在什么水平?跟切尔西或者马竞相比?说实话这赛季我没完整看过他们比赛。
[–]【Arsenal】theRagingEwok 149 points 2 hours ago Juve have had an easier route to the semis than RM / Barca. I wouldn"t consider them as good as Atleti or Chelsea.比起皇马、巴萨,尤文晋级算是比较轻松的。我不觉得他们水平跟切尔西或者马竞一样。
[–]JuergenKohler 31 points 2 hours ago Let"s pray that it"s not Real - Barca in the semi但愿半决赛不是皇马vs巴萨
[–]【Real Madrid】beginner12345 27 points 2 hours ago Nah, hopefully that"s the final.不,希望这是决赛对阵。
[–]【Tottenham Hotspur】yaniv297 71 points 2 hours ago Chicha get the applauds, but that Ronaldo-James double pass in the tightest space in the buildup was brilliant (particularly the return pass from James to Ronaldo). And Ronaldo did well and was selfless to set up Chicha豌豆最高光,但C-J二罗的小范围的撞墙配合也很精彩(尤其是J罗回做拿一下)。C罗最后无私助攻豌豆也值得称赞
[–]【Club América】lemonsole 15 points 2 hours ago And Chicha created his space.还有豌豆自己钻营创造空间。
[–]【Manchester United】H-E-I-S-E-N-B-E-R-G 341 points 2 hours ago 5 minutes added time? I counted maybe 2 minutes actually played.5分钟加时?我满打满算觉得也有2分钟是真的在踢球的。
[–]【Manchester United】ROREO93 175 points 2 hours ago The timekeeping in football is something that really needs to be looked at. It"s so bloody arbitrary.足球里的时间把控真的需要好好重视起来。现在这太随意了。
[–]【SC Freiburg】db82 57 points 2 hours ago With modern technology it should be easy for the referee to stop the clock. Heck, it works fine in other sports.凭借现在科技裁判可以很轻松停表。哎,这在其他运动里百试百灵。
[–]JuergenKohler 64 points 2 hours ago I think the problem is that then games would be easily 100mins long, if not longerThat brings a whole lot of other problems to the table我觉得这样的话问题是比赛很容易就超过100分钟了,甚至可能更长这又会带来很多新的问题
[–]【Mexico】CharlieCandle 198 points 3 hours ago With that goal Chicharito totally justified his loan.有那个进球小豌豆这次租借就值了。
[–]_HlTLER_ 147 points 3 hours ago Chicharito pulled a Bale.小豌豆上演贝尔戏码。
[–]【Real Madrid】fahomnom 46 points 2 hours ago Seems like he pulled a hamstring after that似乎进球后他还上演了小腿拉伤
[–]【England】TheFormidableGiant 86 points 3 hours ago It"s like when Michael Owen justified his United career by scoring a 97th minute winner vs City.就像欧文在对阵曼城比赛第97分钟进球为他整个曼联生涯正名一样。
[–]RepsForHeyzeus 49 points 3 hours ago Worth every penny.一份钱都没有白花。
[–]ATL84 219 points 3 hours ago Why make that challenge when you"re on a yellow card?已经身背一张黄牌了还乱抢什么球?(图兰在比赛中两黄变一红被罚下)
[–]【Chelsea】fortunefading 138 points 3 hours ago He cost his team the game.他导致了球队的失利。
[–]【Sporting Clube de Portugal】theleftflank 240 points 3 hours ago Real Madrid break the streak when it matters.皇马关键时刻破了连败。
[–]【Barcelona】MarcLesan 130 points 3 hours ago And again, Atleti seems to have a problem with last minute goals.又一次,马竞似乎对于绝杀有点hold不住。
[–]【Real Madrid】ColaCaCoke 49 points 3 hours ago We survived and we did it without Bale and Benz. 3 Cbs is the way to do it against atleti.我们过关了,而且还没有贝尔和奔马。3后卫是破马竞的窍门啊。
[–]【Real Madrid】fahomnom 66 points 2 hours ago Forget Bale and Benz, we did it without Modric. That"s like half the team.毛的贝尔和奔马,我们没有莫德里奇。这能抵半支球队。
[–]【Tottenham Hotspur】Forvel 100 points 3 hours ago

[–]【Arsenal】raulsanchezz 21 points 2 hours ago How old was he here?12? :")他那时候几岁?12?  :")
[–]【Manchester United】Bananas_Npyjamas 6 points 2 hours ago Less than 20.反正不到20。
[–]【Eintracht Frankfurt】xepa105 87 points 3 hours ago 50% of /r/soccer: Real Madrid are a bunch of cuntsThe other 50%: Atlético Madrid are a bunch of cunts.You guys are lovely.话题区50%的用户:皇马球员都是*河蟹*另外50%:马竞球员都是*河蟹*。大家都太可爱了。
[–]【Senegal】LeroySane 71 points 3 hours ago well, at least we can agree that madrid players are cunts起码我们达成共识马德里球员都是*河蟹*
[–]【Real Madrid】IscoAlcaron 75 points 3 hours ago Chicharito after the game本场赛后的小豌豆

[–]【Liverpool】Longtime_lurker2 142 points 3 hours ago As a neutral, I couldn"t be happier for chicharito.作为中立球迷,我已经为小豌豆开心到不行了。
[–]【Mexico】CharlieCandle 121 points 3 hours ago As a Mexican I couldn"t be happier also.作为墨西哥人我也开心到不行了。
[–]【Sweden】MainBattleHank 86 points 3 hours ago As a Swede, meh作为瑞典人,我好像没啥感觉
[–]【Bulgaria】endsandskins 103 points 3 hours ago As a Bulgarian i"m drunk.作为保加利亚人,我喝醉了。
[–]【Liverpool】Simon_Riley 24 points 3 hours ago I"m about to go on vacation in mexico, would wearing his Real Madrid kit give me better service?我快要去墨西哥度假了,穿皇马球衣的话在那里会有啥优待吗?
[–]【Real Madrid】omghamburger 44 points 3 hours ago Wear Robben"s shirt!穿罗本球衣!(罗本在世界杯对阵墨西哥的比赛中假摔造点,导致墨西哥被淘汰)
[–]【Liverpool】Simon_Riley 45 points 3 hours ago I actually do have a dutch Robben kit but I would like to return alive我倒是有一件荷兰的罗本球衣,但我还想活着回来
[–]【Portadown】CorkinNI 192 points 3 hours ago I don"t know how anybody can enjoy watched Atletico play, they literally went out in both legs to foul and sit 10 men behind the ball.我不明白怎么有人能喜欢看马竞踢球,这2回合比赛他们基本都是出来练散打的,然后放10个人摆大巴。
往期传声筒: [欧冠传声筒]灌6球瓜帅化身埃博拉,葡语系再被屠都是殖民惹得祸[英超传声筒]科斯塔扮中二坐看天王山,舍伍德洗污名冲击足总杯[传声筒]沃尔法特离职事件:自古名帅多树敌,神医离去亦幸事?[欧冠传声筒]鲁伊斯穿裙难防苏牙穿裆,波尔图反杀反教拜仁做人[英超传声筒]Rnd32:扬教授顶替天使耍流氓,大曼城买-枪太多争四忙

作者: 回复用户4    时间: 2015-4-23 08:47


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