可是中医不一定是药呀,穴位按摩也可以呀作者: 永远亭伊雪 时间: 2015-2-11 00:33
这个伤病潮是可以载入史册的吧。作者: Nirvana613 时间: 2015-2-11 18:30
In principle, the idea is that the sorely-missed midfielder will be back after the second leg of the Champions League qualifier against Schalke. Round about on 10th March.
马卡报最新消息,会错过欧冠两回合对沙尔克的比赛,大概3月10号回归作者: 爱劳尔爱卡西 时间: 2015-2-11 18:48 引用19楼 @Nirvana613 发表的:
In principle, the idea is that the sorely-missed midfielder will be back after the second leg of the Champions League qualifier against Schalke. Round about on 10th March.
哎---作者: liuweikx 时间: 2015-2-11 18:52 引用19楼 @Nirvana613 发表的:
In principle, the idea is that the sorely-missed midfielder will be back after the second leg of the Champions League qualifier against Schalke. Round about on 10th March.
嚓……作者: 要不要这么黑 时间: 2015-2-11 18:53 引用19楼 @Nirvana613 发表的:
In principle, the idea is that the sorely-missed midfielder will be back after the second leg of the Champions League qualifier against Schalke. Round about on 10th March.
The big news for the Croat is that a date can more or less be visualised for his return to the football grounds
If the Croat were to return in time for a tough match, he would sit it out and wait for a softer landing.作者: 懒人围观 时间: 2015-2-11 20:13
魔笛也30了,这一伤真是捉急啊!!!!作者: EdenLee 时间: 2015-2-12 16:00