"We like the players and we are happy with the players," he said. "Two or three are always coming to the club - that"s normal - but the most important thing in the market is not to lose players.
"The players I am looking for are my players - the players I want to keep. Last season I had players I wanted to sell.
还会进2-3个人。 还让不让度假了?
‘The league is so competitive so we need to start with the same
motivation and desire as we did at the beginning of this season. At the
same time we also have to try to do better in the Champions League. This
season we went out without losing a single match, but obviously we are
going to try to do better in European football.’
‘I have a very good situation for myself, I like the club and players I work with,’ said the Chelsea manager.
‘I don’t need to motivate them because they motivate each other. I
can try to give them a push but they also push me. We win together and
lose together.
‘At this moment everybody is happy at the club. I’m happy with the
players and I believe the players are happy with me. The fans are happy
with all of us, so after the end of an amazing team Chelsea had for a
decade, we start building a new team for the next decade, and this
season was the beginning of that with one cup and the Premier League.
‘Me and John are very privileged because we belong to both teams and both generations.’
gagagaga 车子在亚洲地区影响最大的就是东南亚诸国。
啥时候轮到我大天朝呢? 引用28楼 @fvvv 发表的:
人只管来钱快的中C 引用29楼 @c_it 发表的: