lucho井res 发表于 2014-12-16 16:01:00


亨利退役,听听reddit上球迷的声音——LEGEND(实时更新ing)由 lucho井res 发表在
#Long Live the KING*392.jpg

-伙计们,他加入天空体育是好事。以后我们每个欧冠比赛日和世界杯都能听来自亨利的解说了,简直太酷了。(巴萨球迷留)-lad he"s joining Sky Sports. Listening to him during some CL games and the World Cup was really cool.
-英超历史上的最佳射手,兼具速度、力量和技巧,从来没有一名前锋能将这些素质融合的这么好。有一些球员我希望曼联能够拥有它们,而亨利无疑是其中最出色的一个。一个词评价:传奇(亨利的一生之敌曼联球迷留)-Greatest Premier League striker of all time and tore up the league with a blend of pace, strength, and technical ability not seen before all in one forward. The player I most wish we had on United at the time. Legend.
-不知道如何形容我现在的感受。他是我年幼时开始追随阿森纳的原因之一,也是我见证过披着枪手红白衫的球员中最出色的一个。当他前往纽约享受职业生涯时,我也跟着他开始关注纽约红牛的比赛。他的退役让我感到时光沉甸甸的重量并意识到自己年龄的增长。他是我成长过程中的偶像。(阿森纳球迷留)-Don"t really know how to describe what I feel at the moment. He was one of the reasons I started watching Arsenal as a kid and the best player I"ve ever seen in an Arsenal shirt. Moved to NYC and started following him at the Red Bulls and now that he"s gone it just makes me feel so old. One of my idols growing up.
-我最爱的球员之一,我认为他是能够在压力环境下依然保持头脑清醒的球员...该死,我感觉自己上年纪了。(利物浦球迷留)-One of my favourite strikers of all time. I think he"s one of the players who always managed to keep a cool head when pressure was on. ...Now I feel old fuck
-再见,我的传奇。几乎受到所有球迷的喜爱,除了不幸的爱尔兰人。(班菲尔德球迷也是爱亨利的)-Au revoir, you legend.Beloved by everyone, except the Irish.
-亨利当解说员其实不一定是件好事,还记得上赛季的诅咒吗?他在天空体育当解说员的时候我们输那不勒斯输了个0-2;还有一次面对曼城,3-6跪了。(阿森纳球迷似乎还是更想亨利回归阿森纳而不是当解说员)-We have a curse with him though. When he was on Sky Sports we lost 2-0 to Napoli and when he was on Match of the Day we lost 6-3 to Man City.
-一个时代落幕了。不过那支美丽阿森纳带给我们的回忆将会一直驻留在我们的记忆中,亨利是这部回忆的焦点。多么伟大的一名球员!(伦敦的邻居米尔沃尔)-And so an era comes to an end. The memory of that Arsenal team will live on for a long time though, and Henry was central to it. What a player!
-亨利是我爱上这项运动的原因。他在左边路的兜射远角简直是BUG,他那些眼花缭乱的脚下动作,他那些难以置信的进球,以及他散发出的自信气质,都让他成为我最爱的运动员,他也是我爱上阿森纳的原因(我知道我挂着罗斯郡的队徽,但我心底同样埋藏着对枪手的爱,是真爱,相信我)我个人选择号码也会选择14号,我的阿森纳球衣上当然也印着#14.当然,我们年幼时都有自己最爱的运动员,他们是我们成长时的偶像,与我而言,亨利就是我的偶像。他是一名传奇,但更重要的是,他是我的足球英雄。谢谢你带给我的这一切,亨利大帝!(我是罗斯郡阿森那双担)-Thierry Henry is the reason I fell in love with this game. His shooting runs down the left side, his amazing footwork, and his wonder goals, all performed with astounding poise and confidence, has made him my favorite athlete, and it is part of the reason I fell in love with Arsenal (I know my crest says Ross County FC-I have to rep them too-they need love). When it came time to pick numbers I always chose 14, and my Arsenal jersey today still shows #14. I know we all have our favorite players that we grew up with as kids, and for me Thierry Henry is just that. He is a legend, but more importantly, for me, and many others, he was my football hero. Thank you for everything Thierry Henry
-无论你支持哪支球队,当你面对亨利时你都不会吝惜自己的赞美,他能够提升自己所在的球队整体,他是那种能够让队友变得更好的球员。天啊,他的终结能力太强了...致命一击同时又那么优雅。方方面面都是那么全面和杰出。我们会一直想念你的,亨利大帝。(切尔西球迷留)-No matter what team you support, you can"t help but applaud the talent he brought to each team of which he was a part. God, some of his lethal and elegant at the same time. Class act from start to finish. He"ll be missed.
-我现在有些难以控制自己的情绪。亨利的退役对我而言意味着时代的终结。作为一名法国国家队铁粉,我感到悲伤同时也有些怀旧情绪浮上心头。我能够在18岁的时候经历自己的国家夺得世界杯这真是一次难以置信、无与伦比的体验,在我自己最好的年华遇到了最好的法国队,夺得了世界上最美的锦标。两年之后,法国队在00年欧锦赛上再次称王。那支球队中的许多球员都是我的心头好,但亨利对我来说是特别的一个,因为他的年纪仅仅稍长于我,他与我差不多年纪,有着同为一代人的亲近。尽管我对阿森纳并不感冒,但是我在世纪初看英超的原因就主要是因为亨利。亨利进球时,海布里球场就像融成了一个整体,我看的浑身起鸡皮疙瘩。我为亨利球场上的表现所折服,他的球场外的个人魅力同样吸引着我,当然他也有自己的缺点(好的,好的,我的爱尔兰朋友们)。我们要看到,亨利是一个永不服输的运动员,他在比赛时毫无保留。亨利自己就深爱这项运动。我们大家都知道,在足球领域,亨利就是一本活着的百科全书。谢谢你为高卢雄鸡攻进的51粒进球(一段法语)...我会怀念你的,我亲爱的小混蛋。(巴黎圣日耳曼球迷留)-I can"t really cope with my feelings right now. Surely, an era is definitely over for me with Henry retiring.As an eager French NT supporter, I just feel sad and a lot of nostalgia altogether. I"ve had the immense and invaluable chance to see my country wins the World Cup when I was 18, a beautiful age for the most beautiful of trophies. And two years later, bis repetita with the Euro 2000. While I liked most of the other players, I always had a special spot for Henry in my hearth, because he was just slightly older than me, and I felt we were from the same generation of a sort.Never been an Arsenal enthousiast really, but he was the main reason I started to watch the Premier League when I had the opportunity in the early 00". And to see Highbury raise like a single soul when Henry scored gave me chills.Always been a fan of the footballer, but also of the man, even when he was a little shit (hello irish friends!). Truth is, he was a remarkable competitor who gave everything for the game. He"s a real fan of football himself. Everyone who knew him could tell you the guy is a living encyclopedia when it comes to football.Merci pour les 51 buts en équipe de France. Je pense les avoir presque tous vus en direct. J"aimerais tant que Deschamps l"invite contre le Brésil. Pour la beauté du geste, merde.I"m gonna miss you, sweet bastard.
-我们的联赛中有幸见证的最伟大的前锋之一。有段时间内他简直是无所不能,所有技能兼收并包:他的技巧、他的心态都无懈可击,在球场很少有人拥有像他那样的魔力。(曼联球迷留)-One of the finest strikers our country has been graced by.He really did have it all at one point. Ridiculously athletic, great technical skills, the right mentality, and that elusive magic that so few have.It was both fantastic and horrible to have watched him play.
-我有幸在前不久现场看到亨利踢球,那是他职业生涯的最后一场比赛。期待它能够回到阿森纳担任教练那样的角色。现在,似乎这一期待要落空了,不过能够在天空体育看到他也不错-他的分析和队比赛的见解非常独到,或许将成为业内最好的一位。谢谢你带给我们的一切,我的传奇。(苏丹人民也爱海布里国王)-So glad I got to watch him live for the first time a couple months ago, when he played his final game against LA Galaxy here in California. Really hope he joins Arsenal in a coaching capacity soon. Until then, will love seeing him on Sky Sports - his analysis and intellect on the game is almost unparalleled in sports media.Thank you for everything you legend.
-这样传奇的球员推移永远是一个让人悲伤的时刻。在英超效力的前锋中,他是我见过最优秀的一个。如果他在尤文时,我们能好好利用他该多好啊。(充满敬意和悔恨的尤文球迷)-So sad to see a legend retire. For me the greatest EPL striker ever. I just wish we used him better.
-阿森纳下一任教练已经就位。这都是温格计划好的事。(得到内幕的阿特拉斯球迷)-Next Arsenal coach right here. All part of Wenger"s plan.
-我还记得在我年轻的时候,我一直爱模仿亨利比赛中的动作来着。无论是在俱乐部还是国家队,他都是传奇。感谢你Titi( : (一位踢前锋的里昂球迷)-I remember when I was young how I"d always try to emulate his moves and even in games. What a legend for both club and country. Merci Titi (:
-我们当然不喜欢他,一直都讨厌这个死敌,但我想我们当中还是有不少人尊敬他。超赞的球员,同时也是个不错的人。(热刺球迷留)-Definitely not beloved, hated at times, but I think a good number of us respect him. Amazing player and always a classy guy.
-我喜欢的唯一一个阿森纳球员。我也不是纽约红牛的支持者,我的主队是波特兰伐木工。我喜欢他这个人。他在球场上的技巧让我这个球迷十分享受(不过要刨除对热刺的时候lol)(美国球迷留)-Only Arsenal player I like. I"m not even a NYRB fan, I support the Timbers. I just really like how he carries himself. His skill has brought me joy as a football fan (except against Spurs lol)
-传奇,也是纪录杀手!(见惯了大风大浪的拜仁球迷也来留言了)-LEGEND RECORDBREAKER!
-绝对的传奇。他代表阿森纳出战阿贾克斯时我在现场。虽然那是一场0-0的平局,但那同样是一场精彩的比赛,比赛很大一部分看点都来自亨利。恐怕我们再也无缘看到拥有这样精致技术的球员了。(阿贾克斯球迷留)-Absolute legend. Remember being in the stadium seeing him play against Ajax. Was a goalless draw, but still an incredible match, due in large part to Henry. Never again seen such delicate technique.
-Something has to be said about how this man was able to capture and create more American fans.
What Thierry Henry has done to the MLS here in America is worthy of prestigious acknowledgement.

-What a legend. Not only is he a brilliant player, he"s an insightful and seemingly level-headed one as well. Impossible to hate the guy, really.
I was hoping he"d go back in an effort to keep Lampard from beating his tally, but oh well. I"ll be sure to tune in whenever he"s on Sky.

-When the world cup comes around I always root france as a second nation and that"s all because of you and Anelka, au revoir you legend

塞斯克诺兰 发表于 2014-12-16 16:29:00





[ 此帖被塞斯克诺兰在2014-12-16 16:52修改 ]

死神Lucifer 发表于 2014-12-16 16:29:00


冰王子博格坎普 发表于 2014-12-16 16:37:00




。。。 。。。此生,得遇亨利,幸甚。

脚底三颗痣 发表于 2014-12-16 16:49:00

谢谢你,Theirry ,有你这样一个优质的偶像,陪伴着我的青春时代。*531.jpg

aj-4 发表于 2014-12-16 16:56:00


lucho井res 发表于 2014-12-16 17:28:00


小梦想国度 发表于 2014-12-16 17:36:00


龙彦 发表于 2014-12-16 18:40:00


Ticker_Zhao 发表于 2014-12-16 18:55:00


河田美妓男 发表于 2014-12-16 18:57:00

引用8楼 @龙彦 发表的:


dirklaw 发表于 2014-12-16 22:01:00

引用0楼 @lucho井res 发表的:


节操是路人 发表于 2014-12-16 22:21:00


泡椒粉丝 发表于 2014-12-17 10:06:00

引用13楼 @节操是路人 发表的:

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