北京时间5月7日,上港球员胡尔克就之前媒体热议的“打人事件”在微博上做出回应。北京时间4月6日,在贵州恒丰智诚客场挑战上海上港的赛后,智诚队助教于明称在走廊被胡尔克一拳击倒,贵州主帅黎兵也在新闻发布会上证实了该行为。胡尔克微博原文:Unfortunately they are trying to abuse my image. The coach of the adversary team is accusing me of aggression. Where did he see it? I didn't behave violently in any way! I have my conscience clear. God knows it. I just want to do what I love most - is to play football! I'm very happy in China. I like and respect all of the Chinese people.他在微博上表示:“很不幸他们试图损毁我的形象,智诚队主帅控诉我有打人行为,我不明白他是在哪里看到的,我从来没有做过这种行为,我很清楚我的良知,我只是想尽力踢好球,我在中国生活的非常开心,我热爱并且尊重中国人民”。