AlanWake44 发表于 2015-5-26 06:08:00


[传声筒]安帅下课:炒帅如炒菜皇马太乱来,继任成悬疑贝帅排首位由 AlanWake44 发表
ON: 皇马主帅安切洛蒂下课                                                                  *159.jpg

[–]【Liverpool】Vincent10z 347 points 3 hours ago 1 year after winning the Champions League haha damn拿下欧冠冠军之后一年,哈哈哈你妹的
[–]【Valencia】joavim 153 points 2 hours ago Oh you didn"t win a title this season? You"re off then!Fucking Madrid...啊你这赛季四大皆空?恭喜你完蛋了啊!皇马真是……
[–]【Real Madrid】yenzy 72 points 2 hours ago    Fucking
Madrid... Perez
[–]【Benfica】klaatez 28 points an hour ago The fans are that nice either.球迷也都跟他一样平易近人。
[–]【Valencia】joavim 13 points 2 hours ago I am of the opinion that this kind of behaviour is endemic to Real Madrid and the club culture.我是觉得这种行为算是皇马的流行文化吧。
[–]Cretaceous_ 43 points 2 hours ago No mercy毫不留情
[–]monsieurpommefrites 141 points 2 hours ago Or brains.或许是毫不动脑。
[–]【England】Ipadalienblue 40 points 2 hours ago As much as nobody likes to hear it, no trophies this year with the squad he has seems like a fair enough reason to get rid.我算忠言逆耳吧,以皇马今年的阵容一冠都没拿,也足够理由撵他走了。
[–]【Real Madrid】rafael23 30 points 2 hours ago Also no rotations毫无轮换也是罪过之一
[–]【Liverpool】DRJT 36 points 2 hours ago At least he lasted longer than Di Matteo after his CL victory?起码作为欧冠功臣,安帅比狄马涛命要长一些?
[–]【Chelsea】Banana_massacre 22 points an hour ago At least Ancelloti made it out of the group stage of the CL and somewhat challenged for the title.好歹安切洛蒂小组赛带出线了,联赛也有在争冠的说。
[–]【Germany】cptSMU 30 points 2 hours ago Real sacked Heynckes right after winning the CL... ridiculous club他团当年欧冠刚到手就炒了海因克斯……不可理喻的俱乐部
[–]IvanovicsBum 24 points an hour ago That"s nothing. In 2003, the day after they won the league, they decided not to renew Del Bosque"s contract and sold of Makelele (and a bunch of others). It should be added that Del Bosque had won La Liga twice and the Champions League twice, but was still sent packing.Then they went 3 years essentially without winning a single trophy (they won the Supercopa de Espa?a in 2003, a.k.a. the spanish equivalent of the Community Shield), which was an underwhelming performance by these "Galacticós". During this period of time they went through 5 managers.Then they hired Capello, he won the league his first season back (again, essentially their first prestigious trophy in 3 years, insane by Real Madrid standards) and sacked him straight away.Florentino Pérez makes Roman Abramovich seem like the epitome of patience by comparison.这都不叫事儿。2003年他们刚拿西甲冠军后不久,皇马决定不跟博斯克续约,还卖了马克莱莱(以及其他一大批球员)。值得补充的是,博斯克手里有2座西甲,2座欧冠,但还是被打发走人了。之后的3年皇马一无所获(2003年拿了个超级杯),对于“银河舰队”来说这绝对是不及格的表现。值此期间,皇马一共经历了5任主帅。然后他们聘了卡佩罗,他二进宫之后第一个赛季就拿了西甲(重复一下,这是他们3年来唯一一座够分量的奖杯,就皇马的标准来说简直不可言语)然后赛季结束他立马下课了。跟弗洛伦蒂诺相比,阿布简直就是耐心的代名词了。
[–]【Real Madrid】zazone 6 points an hour ago Perez wasn"t even the president during Capello time...卡佩罗时期佛爷根本就不是主席好吗……
[–]【VfB Stuttgart】Britstuckinamerica 532 points 3 hours ago Perez, you stupid twat弗洛伦蒂诺你这个蠢[哔]
[–]nejennar 133 points 3 hours ago "NEXT!"“下一个!”
[–]【Club Xelajú MC】Singleds 54 points 2 hours ago*253.gif

[–]【Liverpool】KuzStuna 26 points 3 hours ago Who replaces Carlo then? Jurgen?谁来接班?克洛普?
[–]【Manchester United】yiyiyiyi 147 points 3 hours ago It"s nailed on to be Benitez.基本板上钉钉是贝尼特斯了。
[–]【Manchester United】evilelephantrides 240 points 3 hours ago Good thing they"re replacing a cup-winning manager with a cup-winning manager. That"ll help them win the league.好消息是,他们用一个杯赛限定版主帅换了另一个杯赛限定版主帅。这对他们打好联赛大有帮助。
[–]【Barcelona】jl8912 76 points 3 hours ago he did win the league twice with valencia (although it was 10+ years ago..)人家确实有带瓦伦拿过2次联赛冠军好吗(尽管是十几年前的事情了……)
[–]【Valencia】Pemoniz 54 points 2 hours ago* With subpar squads too! Fucking Mista, Carew, Salva Ballesta, and Ricardo Oliveira as our strikers hahaha what a joke.带的还是群虾兵蟹将!前锋只有你妹的米斯塔、卡鲁、巴列斯塔和里卡多-奥利维拉,尼玛是搞笑来的吗。
[–]【Real Madrid】ChedduhBob 128 points 3 hours ago* 1 year to the damn day...To be fair though this isn"t the official announcement so I remain hopeful1年轮回……说句公道话,现在还没官宣所以我还保留希望
[–]【Arsenal】Camdento 106 points 3 hours ago 10 years to the day Benitez beat Ancelotti in a European Cup"s a sign....10年前的今天,贝尼特斯在欧冠决赛击败了安切洛蒂的球队…………天道好轮回啊……
[–]Erdos_0 22 points 3 hours ago So Benitez is the next sacrificial lamb?所以贝尼特斯是下一个背锅侠了吗?
[–]【Real Madrid】fahomnom 31 points 3 hours ago Madrid only deals in pig heads mate大皇马就喜欢有福相的教练
[–]【Barcelona】v1dal 328 points 3 hours ago (5 Month ago HAHAHHA) -Florentino "We want Ancelloti to be our Ferguson".(5个月前,哈哈哈哈)——弗洛伦蒂诺“我们想要安切洛蒂成为皇马的弗格森”。
[–]【Barcelona】Bob_Swarleymann 89 points 3 hours ago That was a fun r/soccer thread.那个帖子超有趣。
[–]【Manchester United】omegaxLoL 82 points 3 hours ago This guy knew.这位仁兄知道。(reddit用户JimmyJamesincorp“上班族鸡米詹姆斯”在那个帖子里说,只要一个赛季没拿冠军,皇马立刻就会解雇安切洛蒂)
[–]【Bayern München】CantHousewifeaHo 68 points 3 hours ago I always rated /u/jimmyjamesincorp我一直都很看好 @上班族鸡米詹姆斯
[–]【Arsenal】Blue_Khakis 84 points 3 hours ago I want /u/JimmyJamesincorp to be /r/soccer"s Ferguson.我希望鸡米成为话题区的弗格森。
[–]【Barcelona】Bob_Swarleymann 87 points 3 hours ago I wonder how much this is a power struggle between Perez and the players. The players have been pretty vocal about their support for Ancelotti.Anyways, as a Barcelona fan I"m happy about this. Luckily Madrids management is as shit as our own.我好奇这是不是球员和主席在较劲。球员都大力声援了安切洛蒂。随便啦,作为巴萨球迷我对此很高兴。走运的是皇马的管理就跟我萨一样乱。
[–]【Real Madrid】Jimi187 49 points 3 hours ago Your management is on a different level of incompetence. Ours is just crazy你们管理层的无能显然是达到一个新境界。我们只是脑子糊涂
[–]【Manchester United】Somerandomindian 173 points 3 hours ago Congratulations to Barcelona, winners of La-Liga 2015/16恭喜巴萨,2015-16赛季西甲冠军
[–]【Minnesota United】Aj16ay 97 points 3 hours ago Ancelotti doesn"t win league titles anyways安切洛蒂本来也就没拿联赛冠军
[–]【Manchester United】omegaxLoL 48 points 3 hours ago What happened to "We want Ancelotti to be our Ferguson"?“我们希望安切洛蒂成为皇马的弗格森”咋整成这样了?
[–]【Manchester United】ForeverRed 67 points 3 hours ago I doubt Ferguson would have been good enough for Perez, even discounting the initial trophyless period at United.弗洛伦蒂诺能不能看上弗格森还真是个问题,就算给他在曼联初期的冠军荒打个折也实在太长了。
[–]【Manchester United】DamienHanrahan 7 points 2 hours ago He only won in Europe twice for God"s sake /s而且天哪爵爷只拿了2座欧冠好吗
[–]【Barcelona】A_F_R 8 points 2 hours ago He meant Darren Ferguson.老佛爷说的其实是达伦-弗格森。
[–]【Barcelona】goddamnloyalty 31 points 2 hours ago 4 trophies in 2 years, including La Decima. Literally has every player"s support. Perez is an idiot.2年4座奖杯,还有一座欧冠。明显得到了球员的一致支持。佩雷斯傻的吗。
[–]Peruchoss 6 points an hour ago Well to be fair, I bet the players that spent most of the time on the bench might have a different opinion.说句公道话,我猜那些一年里大部分时间都在捂板凳的同学不同意你的意见。(吐槽不轮换)
[–]【Liverpool】Vincent10z 32 points 4 hours ago Liverpool would welcome you with open arms Ancelotti安帅,利物浦张开双臂欢迎你
[–]casse_toii 24 points 3 hours ago hes taking a year off, unfortunately不幸的是,人说了要休息一年
[–]【Liverpool】StevenAlonso 106 points 3 hours ago Damn, we should have timed this better. We took this year off.草,时间没掐好。我们今年也放空吧。
[–]【Manchester United】Leking9 37 points 3 hours ago I just don"t understand Perez" logic - who is better than him & is currently available?我真心不明白弗洛伦蒂诺的逻辑,现在还有谁比安帅更好而且还赋闲的?
[–]【Bayern München】CantHousewifeaHo 116 points 3 hours ago I hear that Brendan Rodgers fella is available我听说那个叫布兰登-罗杰斯的小伙最近有空
[–]【Liverpool】boycottlife 74 points 3 hours ago How do you say "we showed great character" in spanish?西班牙语怎么说“我队展现了极好的意志品质”?(罗杰斯赛后的口头禅)
[–]【Bayern München】CantHousewifeaHo 96 points 3 hours ago "La defensa no esta dificil" -Brendan Rodgers“拉低分撒,诺爱死他,帝妃辞了”——布兰登-罗杰斯(这句是“防守并不难教”的意思)
[–]【Arsenal】chino17 31 points 3 hours ago Big Sam is free大山姆有空啊(阿勒代斯)
[–]NiallH22 50 points 3 hours ago Just imagine....    CarrollBale-Nolan-Ronaldo不敢想……          卡罗尔贝尔    诺兰    C罗
[–]【Real Madrid】Hamad68 27 points 3 hours ago 25-May-2014 Ancelotti brings La Decima home from Lisbon.25-May-2015 Ancelotti get sacked.Puta Perez...2014年5月25日,安切洛蒂在里斯本将大耳朵杯带回了皇马。2015年5月25日,安切洛蒂下课。
往期传声筒: [英超传声筒]逃亡狂欢送别有喜有愁,红军狂输六球罗杰斯难辞其咎[英超传声筒]斯特林续约风波:脑洞大斯特林遭网友抛售,细分析坏经纪乃真心英雄?[英超传声筒](含西甲)奇迹复活扬教授“黑奇屎崛起”,巴萨封王V5哥躺着也夺冠[英超传声筒]黑子遭鄙视尊重传奇人人有责,待遇不过誉杰队告别声声叹息[欧冠传声筒]尤文勇进决赛一甩礼包污名,球童全场差评卡西扔走奖杯

阳光下安静的猫 发表于 2015-5-26 10:23:00

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