AlanWake44 发表于 2015-3-23 08:59:00


[西甲传声筒]全场不被嘘贝尔客场胜似主场,苏牙建奇功巴萨笑傲国家德比由 AlanWake44 发表
ON: 国家德比 巴萨 2-1 皇马                                                                  *183.jpg

[–]【Liverpool】rakehand 296 points 4 hours ago I"m here to forget我来这里忘却痛苦
[–]【Manchester City】12millercs 134 points 2 hours ago Does seeing Suarez score help?...看苏亚雷斯进球对你可有帮助?
[–]【Arsenal】joshmoshpit 460 points 3 hours ago All we need is for Messi to nutmeg Ronaldo and the internet will implode.现在我们只需要梅西穿C罗一个裆,然后明天键盘侠们就要炸了。
[–]【Barcelona】DunkelSteiger 142 points 3 hours ago Messi "humiliates" Ronaldo. There"ll be at least a 100 videos in the next day with something like that in their name.梅西“羞辱”C罗。次日大概会有100多个视频起这个名字的。
[–]【Leicester City】qwertygasm 334 points 3 hours ago If it works for Van Persie, it works for me.-Casillas 2015范佩西能行,我也能行。——卡西利亚斯,2015年。(吐槽卡西一次头球解围极似范佩西世界杯的头球破门)
[–]【Chelsea】bobberkarl 191 points 4 hours ago Best Game for a Neutral. We want Bloood !!!中立球迷的节日啊!盼望粗大事!!!
[–]【Chelsea】fuckyouidontneedone 264 points 4 hours ago 5-5 with multiple red cards and a streaker.5-5,加红宝石卡加裸奔。
[–]【Southampton】pillock69 51 points 4 hours ago The only 5-5 I can think of was the Man Utd vs West Brom match a couple seasons back.我唯一记得的一场5-5比赛是几个赛季前曼联对西布朗那场。
[–]oldgaja 262 points 3 hours ago* I want the team with the small Croatian midfielder and the Brazilian/Spanish fullbacks to winEdit: not that small我希望那支有个克罗地亚小中场和巴西/西班牙边后卫组合的球队赢编辑:不是那个小的
[–]【England】HMSInvincible 242 points 4 hours ago Got my legs firmly crossed in case Messi tries anything.紧紧合拢着我的腿在看比赛,以防梅西又要耍诈。
[–]【Manchester City】12millercs 111 points 4 hours ago Milner?..米尔纳你?……
[–]【Estonia】NotSoFastMister 550 points 4 hours ago what in the hell..彻底凌乱了……*320.jpg

[–]【Liverpool】Copper_And_Cognac 518 points 3 hours ago Looks like maybe staff at a restaurant celebrating the event for the customers without taking sides?看起来像是某餐厅的员工庆祝国家德比,但是两边都不得罪?
[–]【Everton】Splagodiablo 315 points 3 hours ago Shut up with your sound, reasonable logic.闭嘴,你这种合理的逻辑最讨厌了啦。
[–]【Boca Juniors】IsNoyLupus 226 points 3 hours ago /r/soccer meetup?话题区面基?
[–]【Manchester United】TurtleBurp 171 points 3 hours ago "My great great great grandfather is castellano and my great great grandfather is Catalan, so I support both" - 13 year old kid from Mumbai“我的曾曾曾祖父是卡斯蒂利亚人,我的曾曾祖父是加泰人,所以我两边都支持”——13岁的孟买孩子
[–]【Manchester United】d0mth0ma5 50 points 2 hours ago "I sew both their boots" - Vietnamese child.“两边的鞋都是我做的”——越南娃。
[–]greenkakapo 254 points 4 hours ago finally, it must feel like home-turf for bale to not get booed for once终于,全场没有被嘘过一次,贝尔终于有了主场作战的感觉
[–]【Bayern München】FederamirezV 43 points an hour ago "Einstein would be amazed at Messi"s creation of space!"-Ray Hudson 2015“梅西创造空间的能力连爱因斯坦都叹为观止!”——雷-哈德森(解说),2015年
[–]【Arsenal】Pock_the_Viking 78 points 3 hours ago Suarez and Pepe trying to out cunt each other苏亚雷斯和佩佩在互阴对方的比赛中不亦乐乎
[–]【Tottenham Hotspur】Panencephalitis 18 points 2 hours ago El Cuntico国架德比
[–]【Minnesota United】PuckDaFackers 419 points 2 hours ago Those poor folks spent thousands on seats behind the goal only to get peppered by Neymar shots for an hour.那些花了几千买了球门后面座位的哥们儿真是亏大了,差不多1个钟头时间他们光看内马尔打飞机了。
[–]AudaXity3 180 points 2 hours ago Gareth Bale has been absolutely magic tonight... He disappeared just like that.贝尔今天简直魔幻啊……他就这么凭空消失啦。
[–]【Manchester City】Andtheyrustledsoftly 319 points 2 hours ago Apparently Ronaldo and messi can"t exist in the same half显然C罗和梅西无法在同一个半场(空间和时间)共存
[–]【Barcelona】TheBilbOno 413 points 2 hours ago* Pique was brilliant today. One of his best performances this season皮克今天太出色了。这是他这个赛季最佳表现之一。
[–]【Exeter City】Devbuscus 146 points 2 hours ago I feared the worst when mascherano went down. I thought he"d tore his anus again小马哥倒地的时候我已经做了最坏的考虑。我想他可能又爆肛了
[–]【Chelsea】RichardsDressingGown 300 points 2 hours ago This game was a perfect combination of actual violence and simulated violence.10/10 would watch again.这场比赛真是干货和特效的完美结合。10分,绝壁要再看一遍。
[–]【Manchester United】Jackson9Martinez 40 points 2 hours ago who would you say was the MOTM people?大家认为谁是全场最佳?
[–]【Everton】keyboardbitch 172 points 2 hours ago Pique皮克
[–]oldgaja 110 points 2 hours ago Can"t believe Moyes let Pique and Pogba leave United for peanuts.难以置信莫耶斯竟然免费放走了皮克和波巴。
[–]【Real Madrid】thedemoknight 22 points 2 hours ago Dammit moyes该死的莫耶斯
[–]【Queens Park Rangers】RobbieWard123 241 points 2 hours ago The amount of diving was ridiculous.假摔多到不能忍好吗。
[–]【Barcelona】mullsork 51 points 2 hours ago Welcome to El Clasico!欢迎来到国家德比!
[–]【Barcelona】Rempelrez 141 points 2 hours ago I seriously hope the circle-jerk around Pique stops. He"s been an absolutely amazing since December.真心希望大家别再黑皮克了。他自从12月以来真的表现很棒。
[–]【Barcelona】Rexxigg 9 points 2 hours ago The man basically won life.这货基本就是人生赢家啊。
[–]【Chelsea】idonotownakindle 325 points 2 hours ago Bale was so shit in this game贝尔这场比赛就是屎
[–]【Arsenal】zaviex 153 points 2 hours ago He wasnt active but please lets analyze it instead of saying "he was shit". Bale was completely isolated down that side (Madrid"s Right) the entire match almost. Carvajal seemingly cheated inside and further back to handle Neymar"s pace essentially leaving Bale without support offensively. Its very difficult to get involved in a match when the ball is simply never coming to your feet.他不是很活跃但拜托好好分析一下而不是说一句“他是屎”。贝尔在皇马边路(右路)几乎整场完全被孤立。卡瓦哈尔貌似因为受制于内马尔的速度而被迫回撤内收,这让贝尔在进攻上孤立无援。如果一场比赛里球几乎不到你脚下,你当然很难参与进去。
[–]【Chelsea】midoman111 258 points 2 hours ago His haircut is so fucking ugly in my opinion.我觉得他这发型太难看了。
[–]【Manchester United】Alder_ 71 points 2 hours ago Man"s going bald, can you blame him.这货快秃头了,情非得已啊。
[–]【Barcelona】Hakob2 112 points 2 hours ago I was told Suarez wasn"t a big game player.I was lied to.谁他妈说苏亚雷斯大赛不行的。忽悠我呢。
[–]【Liverpool】merge111 43 points 2 hours ago Suarez was always good. It"s just in the big games he had 2 or 3 guys pressing him straight away苏牙一直都很不错。只不过大赛的时候通常一开场就有2-3名球员紧逼他
往期传声筒: [传声筒]#足球笑话特辑:笑话大战托雷斯再当大将,老梗最佳弗爵爷难逃调戏[欧冠传声筒]托妞坚挺梅西施法圣哈特去皇马?枪手挖坑曼城隐身埃弗顿来当家?[英超传声筒]切尔西幼稚回复遭网友围攻,鲁小胖巧妙庆祝解尴尬传闻[英超传声筒]Rnd29:争冠无趣曼城任性也来玩争四,天团对决曼联胜出赔了德赫亚[欧冠传声筒]伊布染红献祭洗脱大巴黎原罪,弟媳自我救赎目送切尔西出局

思者 发表于 2015-3-23 09:26:00


Epitaph 发表于 2015-3-23 10:15:00


最爱老婆了 发表于 2015-3-23 10:24:00


LittleSpark 发表于 2015-3-23 12:20:00

[–]oldgaja 262 points 3 hours ago*
I want the team with the small Croatian midfielder and the Brazilian/Spanish fullbacks to win
Edit: not that small
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