AlanWake44 发表于 2015-3-11 07:25:00


[欧冠传声筒]血战马德里死敌多特鼓掌,英勇皇家蓝球迷无比自豪由 AlanWake44 发表
ON: 皇马 3-4 (总比分5-4)沙尔克04                                                   *132.jpg

[–]【FC Schalke 04】jtoj 247 points 3 hours ago In all two-legged ties (including qualifying) in the UEFA Champions League going back to 1992/93, the home team has lost 2-0 in the first leg 63 times. Not one has ever come back to win the tie.Time to make history boys自1992-93赛季欧冠联赛的2回合比赛起(包括资格赛),主队在首回合共63次0-2落败,其中没有一支球队次回合可以翻盘成功的。伙计们是时候创造历史了
[–]【Universidad de Chile】RisingBlackHole 99 points 2 hours ago* Two more!!!Edit: still two more :)Edit 2: ONE MORE!!!!Edit 3: two more again...Edit 4: RIP :"( or maybe not yetFinal edit: RIP but what a performance. It was there man...还差2个!!!编辑:还是差2个 :)编辑2:再来1个!!!!编辑3:又打回2个……编辑4:跪了 :"( 到底还有没有戏啊最终编辑:再见了欧冠,但表现真的很出色了。就差那么一点点……
[–]【FC Schalke 04】sterretje_ 123 points 2 hours ago* How to survive the night:-Lots of alcohol. Nothing can go wrong with enough alcohol.-Have the 2011 Inter/Schalke match ready to rewatch.如何度过今晚这漫漫长夜:-借酒浇愁。只要酒够多,没啥熬不过去的。-准备重温一遍2011年国米和沙尔克的比赛。
[–]【Eintracht Frankfurt】jojojio 37 points 2 hours ago    -Lots of alcohol. Nothing can go wrong with enough alcohol.I"m with you on this one! Go Schalke!   -借酒浇愁。只要酒够多,没啥熬不过去的。沙尔克这回我跟你们同一阵营!
[–]SkullKM 31 points 2 hours ago*281.gif

[–]【Bayern München】ka-tsching 43 points an hour ago Fucking hell Ronaldo can you please let us have a nice moment?卧槽C罗你就不能让我们消停一会吗?
[–]【Chelsea】DoYouEvenShrift 43 points an hour ago score at half, Ronaldo 2 - Schalke 2半场比分,C罗 2-2 沙尔克
[–]【Borussia Dortmund】JJYossarian 77 points an hour ago Fucking YES!Wait...Am I cheering for Schalke? How the hell did that happen?卧槽太棒了!慢着……我这是在给沙尔克加油?尼玛一定是哪里出错了。
[–]【FC Schalke 04】iFootie 35 points an hour ago It happens on both sides, we just keep it on the downlow.其实这情况两边都有,只不过我们一般都暗搓搓进行。
[–]【Chelsea】DawdlingDaily 32 points 3 hours ago I have a feeling Huntelaar will score a belter tonight我感觉今晚亨特拉尔能进半打球
[–]【FC Schalke 04】JayJay_90 28 points 2 hours ago To make it 6-1?将比分扳成6-1?
[–]【Juventus】theglasscase 64 points 2 hours ago Breaking news: Football confirmed as being "quite entertaining".This is fun.重磅:现已确认足球“真的很刺激”。这比赛太有趣了。
[–]【Juventus】theglasscase 30 points an hour ago Iker Casillas having a bad game on a big occasion is the last thing Manchester United fans want to see.卡西在大场面发挥失常是现在曼联球迷最不愿意看到的事情了。
[–]【VfB Stuttgart】Godzilla0815 51 points 2 hours ago We all know the most probable outcome but it really would be nice if Schalke could score the first goal to make things a bit exciting大家都知道最后的结果会是怎样,但如果沙尔克能打进第一球的话,比赛应该会更刺激一些
[–]Narretz 45 points 2 hours ago Your wish has been granted.好的,你的愿望实现了。
[–]JuergenKohler 66 points 2 hours ago Haha his team is fighting relegation and he"s wasting his wish on Schalke!哈哈这货的球队正在保级呢,他却把愿望用在了沙尔克身上!
[–]【Celtic】iamragin 49 points 2 hours ago "Bale and Ronaldo are more crucial for Real Madrid when they"re at their best" - fantastic insight there Andy ..“贝尔和C罗在最佳状态的时候能在皇马发挥更为关键的作用” - 真是绝妙的见解安迪……(译注:应该是在吐槽汤森德的解说)
[–]【FC Schalke 04】Yonche 71 points 2 hours ago You only hear the Schalke fans, as usual你能听到的只有沙尔克球迷的声浪,一如既往
[–]FullMetalBitch 18 points 2 hours ago You can hear the boos from Madrid fans to the team (deserved)你还能听到皇马球迷在嘘他们的主队(活该的)
[–]JuergenKohler 37 points 2 hours ago "Our team is behind 0-1, better boo them so they can keep going!"“我团正0-1落后诶,赶紧嘘他们一下来给他们打打气!”
[–]【FC Schalke 04】Sobfred 55 points 2 hours ago GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL AEGIASEHGJIEASIUGHESWHJUIEWSIU)?=JHESWZJ=IMNERSWIHJ=′MOESWEWHEHESWWESHJHEWJA进球啦啦啦啦啦啦啦啦啦啦啦啦啦啦啦啦啦啦啦啦啦啦啦啦啦啦啦啦啦!阿尔GIA色和关节阿斯)?=结合是无止境=i嘛呢日上午i红军=‘摩尔斯文文和和商务委书记和我姐啊
[–]【FC Schalke 04】Zhinky 19 points 2 hours ago FUCHS MY BOY富克斯我的小心肝儿
[–]ChaoticReaper 38 points 2 hours ago Fuck if Barca gets half as many chances in El Clasico...草,等国家德比的时候,这场比赛沙尔克的机会给巴萨一半,那就……
[–]【Real Madrid】TomasRoncero 67 points 2 hours ago Cristiano giveth, Casillas taketh awayC罗进得忙,卡西丢得欢
[–]【Chelsea】isrly_eder 29 points an hour ago I"m pretty sure that every neutral is supporting Shalke我很确信所有中立球迷都在支持沙尔克
[–]【Barcelona】M_is_for_Mancy 84 points 3 hours ago Schalke, I"m rooting for you沙尔克,今晚我挺你
[–]iraqigooner 63 points 3 hours ago what a surprise哇,好惊喜
[–]【United States】JuventusX 44 points 2 hours ago People root against Real Madrid? Now that is indeed a shocker竟然有人不支持皇马?这太让人吃惊了
[–]【Chelsea】midoman111 31 points 2 hours ago More importantly, Barca fans support Madrid"s opposition?更重要的是,巴萨球迷竟然支持皇马的对手?
[–]bxny 480 points an hour ago If you are going to go out, go out like this. Schalke you were amazing.~如果说你真的要走,把我的进球还给我~ 沙尔克你真棒棒呆。
[–]vuhn1991 81 points an hour ago The fans were certainly proud. They might have lost, but their fans were still cheering after the match.球迷们都很自豪。他们可能是出局了,但赛后球迷们还是放声高歌。
[–]【Bayern München】Scherzen 163 points an hour ago What could have been if Schalke had been more focused defensively...要是沙尔克防守再走点儿心,谁知道会发生什么啊……
[–]【Ecuador】fpvr96 115 points an hour ago Actually, if only for they could have scored in their home tie.其实,哪怕他们在主场的首回合能进1个球。
[–]【Barcelona】Epsilon76 22 points 53 minutes ago* When they hit the post in the first leg :(遥想他们在首回合中柱的时候 :(
[–]【Germany】Mrploom 140 points an hour ago Unreal perfomance by Schalke... Meyer and Huntelaar were brilliant沙尔克的表现简直强到不像真的啊……迈尔和亨特拉尔都很棒
[–]【Barcelona】DivineVibrations 73 points an hour ago Sane too别忘了萨内
[–]【FC Schalke 04】liberttine 778 points an hour ago I could not be more proud right now.此时此刻我已无法自豪更多。
[–]【Barcelona】xBarDown 110 points an hour ago 4 goals at the Bernabeu and a win? Hell ya you should be!!在伯纳乌进4球还带走一场胜利?尼玛你矿绝对有理由自豪!!
[–]【Mexico】CharlieCandle 88 points an hour ago You guys have a lot of really talented youngsters.你矿有很多货真价实的甜菜啊。
[–]【Chelsea】Gordondel 122 points an hour ago Sané was outstanding!萨内真是封神啊!
[–]【Chelsea】prototype45 38 points an hour ago he was insane打疯了已经
[–]【Liverpool】ihaverocketlegs 161 points an hour ago Insané*萨球王 (译注:好吧知道会有这个文字梗,实在翻不出花样)
[–]【Borussia Dortmund】ThisUsernameIsSexy 210 points an hour ago* Well done. Asshole.干得好。(小声说:混蛋
[–]【Eintracht Frankfurt】afito 124 points an hour ago I don"t care how biased I am, Schalke deserved to go through today. Real did fuck all and got really really lucky this match to not get eliminated by the best Schalke I"ve seen the entire season.Too bad H?wedes just isn"t a striker.想说我偏袒的尽管说,沙尔克今天配得上晋级。皇马一团糟,没被淘汰真是撞大运,对面是我这赛季看到的最为出色的一支沙尔克。可惜的是赫韦德斯不是前锋啊。
[–]【Chelsea】DRBB22 314 points an hour ago Di Matteo has now won against Barcelona, Bayern, and Real Madrid.迪马特奥现在已经把巴萨、拜仁和皇马灭了遍了。
[–]【Liverpool】saganperu 137 points an hour ago He doesn"t get enough credit. He won a Champions league for god"s sake.他并没有得到应得的夸赞。上帝啊人家可以拿过欧冠的啊。
[–]paper_zoe 78 points an hour ago To be fair, Avram Grant was a John Terry penalty away from winning the Champions League too.说真的,当年格兰特距离欧冠也就只差一个约翰-特里的点球。
[–]【FC Schalke 04】jtoj 231 points an hour ago We tried guys. We tried.:(乡亲们我们尽力了。我们尽力了。:(
[–]【Chelsea】whtge8 130 points an hour ago No one is disappointed. Great performance by Shalke.没人会感到失望,沙尔克好样的。
[–]【Monterrey】the_homeless_turtle 24 points an hour ago This shit kept me in the edge of my seat!就是你们让我差点都从椅子上摔下来了!
[–]【Sporting Clube de Portugal】theleftflank 159 points an hour ago Real Madrid better get their shit together before the Clasico and the next round of UCL.. They seem to just have forgotten to defend. Major credit to Schalke, today. Played their hearts out. They should have advanced.皇马最好能在下轮欧冠淘汰赛和国家德比前好好找找状态……感觉他们都已经忘了有防守这回事了。今天大大地赞一下沙尔克。全倾全力,他们应该晋级才对。
[–]【Borussia Dortmund】ThisUsernameIsSexy 184 points an hour ago I cheered for Schalke我给沙尔克助威了
[–]【Borussia Dortmund】ColdFrost 180 points an hour ago No no no. You were cheering for an upset.不不不,你只是给黑马助威。
[–]【Borussia Dortmund】JJYossarian 88 points an hour ago Oh, I"m using that one, sounds WAY better.哦,我就这么说了,听起来好多了。
[–]【Arsenal】AtomicJellyworm 47 points an hour ago Schalke were absolutely heroic. This is why I love the champions league.沙尔克真是史诗级。如此欧冠你怎能不爱。
[–]abks 367 points an hour ago Real Madrid has the worst fans.皇马的球迷真是最差劲的。
[–]【Leeds United】newb0rn11 252 points an hour ago BOOOOO! BOOOOOOO! HOW DARE YOU QUALIFY FOR THE NEXT ROUND!BOOOOOOO!嘘嘘嘘嘘嘘!嘘嘘嘘嘘嘘!就这样你们也敢晋级下一轮!嘘嘘嘘嘘嘘嘘!
[–]【Paris Saint-Germain】wheres_the_cake 208 points an hour ago One of the best displays of time-wasting I"ve seen in recent times, truly marvelous! Congrats to Madrid最近看过的最强的拖时间表演,真心佩服!恭喜皇马了
[–]【Germany】maxvroden 117 points an hour ago Casillas organising the team while holding onto the ball, Pepe dying on the floor.又到了拖时间的季节,卡西利亚斯拿着球指挥全队散步,佩佩躺在地上奄奄一息。
[–]【Borussia Dortmund】FOR_THE_LOOT 73 points an hour ago respect to our neighbours in blue, very entertaining向我们的皇家蓝邻居致敬,精彩纷呈的比赛
[–]FC Schalke 04sterretje_ 31 points an hour ago No matter how this ends, I am insanely proud of my team tonight.无论今晚如何收场,我都为我的球队感到无比地自豪。
往期传声筒: [英超传声筒]足总杯:天使染红无处洗地冲动是魔鬼,裁判公道执法严明瞅你咋地了?[英超传声筒]约翰逊性侵案:重温U17亚当犯案难自持,清白或有辩球员艳遇需谨慎[英超传声筒]Rnd27:世界波决胜红军定英超大势,温布利称王蓝军已两冠在手[传声筒]洛夫伦出场天命已定英超惨淡一周,蝙蝠侠罗宾造四连胜多特杀回前十[欧冠传声筒]惨枪手遇好签仍旧难有作为,悲吉鲁任你射怕也空手而归

古哩 发表于 2015-3-11 07:34:00


athrun_卡卡 发表于 2015-3-11 08:33:00

想起当年,欧冠四强 强强谢吾皇。。。

kinbeard汉哥 发表于 2015-3-11 08:55:00


AOKOALICE 发表于 2015-3-11 08:56:00


RTNNNNN 发表于 2015-3-11 09:22:00

中场基本溜达防守 后防线小碎步防守 门将。。。求换个门将吧 欧冠这么正经的比赛能不能别上卡西啊

西城男女 发表于 2015-3-11 09:37:00


Toninonono 发表于 2015-3-11 10:26:00


troubleo 发表于 2015-3-11 10:27:00

引用2楼 @athrun_卡卡 发表的:
想起当年,欧冠四强 强强谢吾皇。。。


色妓总监 发表于 2015-3-11 10:53:00


AJueSealice 发表于 2015-3-11 11:14:00

[–]【FC Schalke 04】Sobfred 55 points 2 hours ago

zxeric55 发表于 2015-3-11 13:52:00


windywait 发表于 2015-3-11 14:06:00

[–]【Real Madrid】TomasRoncero 67 points 2 hours ago
Cristiano giveth, Casillas taketh away

湿湿湿爷 发表于 2015-3-11 15:40:00


蒓屬娛樂 发表于 2015-3-11 17:09:00

沙尔克打的坚决 虽败犹荣

KorlornFonossi 发表于 2015-3-11 18:02:00

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