沃克伤情不乐观由 micmay 发表做好戴尔长期右后卫,或者诺顿首发的准备。沃克伤情金队化了……阿门
ali z:
on walker:I can"t tell you why, put it this way it"s something that he is going to live with for the rest of his life.FACT - he wanted to rest it, Tim talked him into playing, Walks should have put his foot down but for any faults he may have he is a team player at the time we had a few really bad results so he played.
HIs injury has not improved through rest as it should have, i can"t say too much on the subject but trust me an op on this and we could have a King situation.
medical team tell he should not play, told you all this at the time and walks tell"s Tim he is struggling, Tim pressured him till injury got too bad.
[ 此帖被micmay在2014-08-25 23:57修改 ] 要是当时不想着世界杯,不保守治疗就好了 让我想起多特的京多安,为了世界杯一直保守治疗,结果还是错过世界杯,最后还要选择做手术……真靠戴尔+诺顿撑上半赛季简直灾难 沃克没有手术,保守治疗很慢,作死的舍伍德,希望戴尔能对强队顶起来
争取撑到冬天不崩盘,那时小叶子还能来救场。 引用2楼 @Howie-Y 发表的:
dier这么踢倒还行..就怕诺顿回来之后是主力.. 引用2楼 @Howie-Y 发表的:
引用5楼 @脱臼de闪电 发表的:
引用7楼 @alanfrank65 发表的:
引用8楼 @10菲尔琼斯 发表的:
ali z:
on walker:I can"t tell you why, put it this way it"s something that he is going to live with for the rest of his life.FACT - he wanted to rest it, Tim talked him into playing, Walks should have put his foot down but for any faults he may have he is a team player at the time we had a few really bad results so he played.
HIs injury has not improved through rest as it should have, i can"t say too much on the subject but trust me an op on this and we could have a King situation.
medical team tell he should not play, told you all this at the time and walks tell"s Tim he is struggling, Tim pressured him till injury got too bad.
舍伍德的强迫使用让沃克的伤病更复杂,不是预想中通过一段休息就能恢复的,简单的说就是:沃-金-克!(莱德利金整个运动生涯的伤病都没法痊愈,后几年都是根本不参加训练,直接比赛) 靠
吃屎去吧 我怀疑波切蒂诺在夏天查询沃克伤势的时候就已经心里有点数,然后就要了耶德林。虽然延迟了半个赛季,但戴尔和诺顿撑半个赛季还是可以接受,基里凯斯如果不走也可以客串右后卫,还有弗雷德里克斯可以练练级。
冬天耶德林来了之后基本可以应急了,沃克这情况就是保守治疗的后果,特别在世界杯年这种保守治疗根本无法保持竞技状态,外加伤也不一定能好。 沃克就这么金队化了?真是惨啊可恶的舍伍德 擦.........这噩耗,一讲金队就觉得膝盖痛
引用9楼 @micmay 发表的: ali z: on walker:I can"t tell you why, put it this way it"s something that he is going to live with for the rest of his life.FACT - he wanted to rest it, Tim talked him into playing, Walks should have put his foot down but for any faults he may have he is a team player at the time we had a few really bad results so he played. HIs injury has not improved through rest as it should have, i can"t say too much on the subject but trust me an op on this and we could have a King situation. medical team tell he should not play, told you all this at the time and walks tell"s Tim he is struggling, Tim pressured him till injury got too bad. 舍伍德的强迫使用让沃克的伤病更复杂,不是预想中通过一段休息就能恢复的,简单的说就是:沃-金-克!(莱德利金整个运动生涯的伤病都没法痊愈,后几年都是根本不参加训练,直接比赛)